Sunday, August 26, 2012

What the heck is happening with today's...

What the heck is happening with today's TV? Perhaps it is Summer TV that sucks or perhaps it is the nature of today's "Real TV" society? I am not sure...

So one night Justin and I are flipping through the channels, trying to find something to watch for the evening. We come across a show called "Strange Sex" and are intrigued not by the title (get your heads out of the gutters) but because of one of the life stories they were presenting.

This poor guy lives out in Vegas and woke up one early morning with a sharp pain in his scrotum. It quickly subsided and he went back to sleep. He woke up the next morning and his testicle had swolen to like the size of a lime. It continued to swell and swell and swell. He went into the doctor and the prognosis was not good. There would be no way to operate on this as he would probably bleed out. He was doomed to live with this for the rest of his life.

Today's lifestyle for this man is now having to take a sweatshirt and put his legs into the arm holes, safety pin the neck shut, and walks down the street in makeshift Hammer pants. His testicle has exploded to the size of larger than three watermelons and will continue to grow to the weight of 300 pounds by 2014.

HOLY HECK I just wanted to curl up in the fetal position and rock back and forth!! My heart went out to him as he did not ask for this pain and occurrence. And then I thought...


and what follows this wail is usually...


am I watching this train wreck of a show??

And then, while watching, a preview for the up and coming series "Here comes Honey BOo BOO" come on the TV, I honestly can say...Ok, we got  problem. How is it that all trainwreck TV is what pulls people in.

Summer TV you disgust me... And yet I watch...and shake my head...and think...perhaps I need to go get some Hagen Daz...Rum Raisin makes everything more manageable.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Ghost Squatter

So as many of you may know, we have a new member to our household...and we are in the mode of teething and learning what the process is of peeing and pooping outside. (Sorry to be graphic) Our miniature Schnauzer is doing really really well! She is learning so much.

She has already learned to fetch and bring back her ball, or her squeaky pink dragon, whichever is the toy of choice. She seems to not want to let it go once she has brought it back to you...but that will come in time.

She has learned that the bathroom is outside. She even scratches at the door when she needs to go out. I think that that is a HUGE accomplishment at the tender age of 14 weeks. She has even learned to climb the back step to get back inside but that came with her growth spurt and the fact that she was a mere 2 lbs, when we first got her, and she is now pushing 6.

She has even learned what she can and cannot do with specific Daddies. She knows she cannot get away with anything with Justin, yet it seems that she pushes the cute factor with me and then proceeds to break the rules. Is this the vision of things to come when children enter the picture?? Heaven help me...

It seems that she has what I call a "cute" pose. She scratches at the door, signalling that she needs to go outside to use the potty. When I let her outside, she heads out faithfully into the grass and proceeds to assume the squatting position, we dog owners know so well...only with Emmy, it is a hit or miss kinda thing. She always squats and looks shyly over her shoulder up into my eyes with those deep loving eyes saying, "I am so cute. You love me, don'tcha?" You know the look...

Only it seems that this is a ghost squat as there is no real peeing going on. And she proceeds to go and do this around the yard...where it is hit or miss as to whether or not she will pee or not, always looking to see where her master for the day is sitting, whether or not he is watching her cuteness pounce around the yard, and watching her pee dance. When said master thinks surely she must be done, we decide it is cute to walk back and forth between said master's feet, weaving in and out, and missing a crunch of bones within inches of her life. We get back into the house and receive a treat for said pee dance and get put down on the floor with her pink dragon, sock monkey, chew toys, and pillow bed...a plethora of amazing toys to play with...

What seems like 1 minute later, said master hears a scratch at the door, signalling yet another need to go to the bathroom. Said master gets testy when this dance continues for a half an hour, off and on scratches, and then said master says, " Heck with that...surely it is going to need to be once every hour..." and ignores said scratch.

WRONG choice on behalf of said master as Emmy decides to leave huge pool of piss at the door....
(at least it is on the linoleum now)...

When will silly Master learn the art of the ghost squat and the missing pee?

We wait and see my friends, we wait and see...

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Rummaging through life's treasures

So this weekend is our rummage sale to get rid of all the clutter in our lives...
And let me just say that it has been so cathartic.

The biggest headache of the entire process has been unboxing all of the "things" we had moved in here from the storage unit almost 10 months ago. Then you gotta make it clean and presentable, price it all, and get tables big enough to display your treasures.

The week of the sale...Hello Craiglist! And signage for the sale and getting up early the day of, and making sure it is well displayed...and be willing to haggle.

We are still in DAY ONE of the sale but we sure have sold ALOT of treasures...Junk on my end...but treasures nonetheless for someone. There were things that Justin kept saying...there is no way in hell that someone is going to buy that and here we are about a third of the way through the first day and it is if I could just sell that toilet bowl scrubber...we would be in business and I would have pure gloating rights.

Sure I sold some things way under what they should have been...but when you assess the clutter and crap factor and how much you just want a space that is clean and clear of clutter and being able to breathe in it... I sold under and got it out of the way. SO all successful on alot of aspects of it all...
But it is also a cleansing of the spirit and heart too. Really and truthfully, if you have not used this "stuff" in the last five years...when are you? And if you can sell it and get a good price for it and put it towards a project you have coming up on your house or to pay off bills, get rid of it! And a great way to meet the neighbors, that's for sure!

There is somethign to be said about not having all this clutter in one's life. Being selective and not weighing yourself down with "stuff". Being able to come home and breathe and relax and not feel overwhelmed by life's messes is sure a blessing. There is enough stress in our everyday lives, why would you want to come home to the messy, cluttered, cramped, piled to the ceiling situation. (Enter the sound effects from HOARDERS:BURIED ALIVE...Thank you Kathy Griffin)

Thank you for a cleansing every once in awhile...

Monday, August 6, 2012

The Risky Business of Church...

Last night, the church Justin and I have been attending wrapped up it's series: "Sticks and Stones: When God's Word Hurts" Let me just say that I believe that God has put us in the right place at the right time. This series has spoken to the most deepest part of my touched me greatly, deeply, and last evening's sermon was a great finale to the series. I was so deeply moving and this series answered alot of questions my heart has dealt with for years and years and years...and for the first time in my life I feel like I can put my faith and trust back in God's hands fully and heartfully.

Will asked the United Methodist District Superintendent, Dede Roberts, to come and speak to us about the role women play in the church and the Bible. What has been so intriguing was that the last few weeks have been on topics the Bible demonizes that today's culture has clearly moved on from. I mentioned this before when Will began the series. Yet Dede pulled it all together so wonderfully for me as she not only spoke to all of our feminine members, but also to those of us who are gay.

She spoke of feeling the call to preach when she was very young, at the age of 15. She mentioned, " I felt I needed to keep this quiet because I was not sure what to do with this information" Sounded very familiar? She spoke with numerous people, at the time, including pastor, youth pastor, and mom, who all said the same thing...yes. Yes. YES! Now during this time period, no women were preaching or were allowed to have anything to do with the leadership of the church. She mentioned it to her co- president of the Fellowship of Christian athletes, who IMMEDIATELY began spouting Bible verses that said, "NO woman will hold a position higher than a man." If you have read my blog, you understand my tenseness to these actions. No one feels great to have these Bible verses hurled into your face. With anger. With hatred. With agression.

She went on to say that she realized in that moment that, "I was always going to be a second class citizen, not by a common act, but by how I was created." These words RANG in my head!!! How I was born, made me a minor, a lower class, and would not be able to break from this. Dede went on to say, "We were all created in God's image."

There are so many Bible verses that just cannot be taken word for word any longer because of how society's views have changed. One verse even goes as far as to say that if a man rapes a virgin, his penance is to pay the father of the girl 50 sheckles and has to marry the girl. SERIOUSLY???? This verse, not only ruffles the feathers of today's earthly inhabitants, but also shows how much women were valued many many years ago. There are even Bible verses saying you will go to hell if you eat shrimp!!! WHUH THUH WHUH? Check out LOL!!!!!!!!

All of the speakers of this series then went on to say that they doesn't buy it. The verses cannot always be what God was telling us, even though these verses were written with "Divine Intervention", but also could have been created with the cultural, society views of the time as well. You see, if women were looked at this way during the time of the Bible's writing, society would look the same way on men being feminine behind the bedroom walls.

Dede then went on to say that Paul's writing to the Galations sets the moral code we should follow, "In Christ, everything gets leveled out. The differences don't matter anymore, because the resurrection changed everything. I don't believe these verses can redirect the spirit of God for God is LOVE, plain and simple." And that is the risky business of this church. I believe this very VERY much! God does not create second class citizens. He creates everyone in his own image.

She went on to say, "Not everyone believes this way of thinking. No one knows what God thinks. No one knows what the full truth is, but I will take the risk in order to include as many as I can under the umbrella of God's love and grace." It will extend out wider than Christ's outstretched arms on the cross. She said, " I will stay at the table to make sure that we break down the barriers of slavery, sexuality, and gender, because I believe that that is what God is calling us to do."

Even in her prayer she called to my heart..."Thank you for the oppressors who push us stronger into our faith. We pray for unboundless love while others build walls". If you read my blog post right before this one...was I not just lamenting about this??? I wrote that post yesterday afternoon and then came to church and quieted my heart and this is what pushed through...

I believe in the calling. I believe that if we are just quiet and still, God will come to us, if we are willing to listen.

I am so grateful for this amazing experience and feel lighter and ready!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Time for something new....

I have had enough of all the crap over the last few days...
I have to remind myself that I am only one person...that I can't change the world by myself...
There are two sides to each story...
There are no clean hands on either side of the chicken war...People being ridiculous on both sides.

So now I need to refocus my energies. The cool thing about being a teacher is that you get a chance to reset your resolutions twice every year...New Year's and at the beginning of each school year. I actually lost sleep the other night...maybe got an hour total of sleep when the mind just keeps going over and over everything that has been going on in this world, in my life, in the coming months. This also always happens right before school starts...things to get done, making lists, relooking at what things I want to cover this year, things I need to get done before the first day of school.

I am allowing this ALL to overtake my thoughts on something that I alone cannot change. One of the Facebook posts I saw put it all into focus for me and I need to just remind myself of, oddly enough, the Serenity Prayer:

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
Just Beautiful...
I remind myself of the wonderful experience that I just accomplished and the joy that it brought me. The creative outlet it provided and the response has been overwhelming. Cabaret was amazing and so many friends commented that this experience was good for me in so many ways, that it would open many doors for me,and that it would provide new opportunities. My initial response was that I would have to see with all I have to do with school this year, with the Comp Speech team getting bigger, with the fall play once again in my hands, with the Spring Musical being bigger than ever...How could I possibly add anything more of a creative outlet to that schedule?
But then I calmed my thoughts and reminded myself of this... Maybe God put Cabaret there for a taste of possibilites? You have to be open to the possiblities and keep yourself open to what comes your way. You have to keep yourself open to the possibilties \of what this world brings you.
My new mantra for the upcoming year.
I am going to keep myself OPEN TO ALL POSSIBILITIES.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Yesterday's whatever you call it....

I don't normally cut and paste things on here but I had had HAD to share after yesterdays HUGE outpouring of whatever you call it...It is from a blog located at

I am going to become a follower of this blog for sure...he hit it EXACTLY on the head for me...

5 Reasons Why the Church Failed Yesterday

Thousands and thousands and thousands of people proudly lined up to support Mike Huckabee’s “Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day” yesterday. By all accounts, it was a successful campaign, perhaps one of Huckabee’s most memorable actions, a deed that might warrant etching “#ChickFilA” on his tombstone so future Americans will learn of the greatness that occurred on August 1, 2012.
Many of yesterday’s appreciators were born again Christians, people who, I can only assume, claim to love God, put their trust in Jesus, and have a desire that all people hear and experience the Good News of Christ. That fact alone changes the headline of what happened yesterday.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure Chick-Fil-A owners felt loved, made lots of money, and greatly appreciated the somewhat positive press they received all day long. And yes, Mike Huckabee has reason to be proud (dare I say, even cocksure?) of the influence he wields to get Americans to buy chicken. Those CFA cows no doubt love Mike Huckabee!

So good for Chick-Fil-A! And three cheers for Mike Huckabee! And good tidings of great joy to cows everywhere.

Yet, amid all of that CFA-appreciating success, the Church (at least, the part that exists here in America) failed miserably. Every member of the Church isn’t to blame, of course. Many individual churches and denominations played no role whatsoever in promoting yesterday’s Great Chicken Awakening. Some Christians, churches, and denominations even tried to throw a social media wrench into the festivities. Some of those attempts went viral and garnered a great deal of attention. But still, chicken-loving Christians everywhere rallied behind CFA yesterday. The crowds were so big that you might have thought that Chick-Fil-A was giving away free iPads or Cabbage Patch Dolls or freshly fallen manna from Heaven. And while lots of Christians chose not to participate for various reasons, many did and the Church as whole suffered.
Here’s why.


Yesterday’s campaign, while I don’t think it should be considered or called “hate,” neither can it be called love. Christians all over America ignored the second greatest commandment: to love our neighbors. Call yesterday what you want, freedom of speech, a rally behind “family values,” a sincere fascination with CFA’s brand of fried poultry… but it cannot be called love. It was not love.


People felt hate and we ignored that. At the end of the day, regardless of whether or not your Christian understanding of scripture harbors hate or not, a large group of people felt hated. Again, we can debate this point all day long, but that does not change the fact that people felt hatred because of what happened yesterday. Whether or not hate actually existed is not the point, people felt hated. And rather than acknowledging those feelings or trying to understand or engage them in any way, Christians everywhere marched off to their local CFA like it was a cross to bear, a necessity, a battle cry of some sort, the waffle fry’s last stand.


By rallying behind CFA, Christians put an issue above people. And it’s impossible to follow Jesus when issues trump people. Jesus never said “love God, love causes.” That is not the message that gets preached in churches all over America on Sunday mornings. I’ve heard a hundred different explanations from patrons of yesterday’s rally and nearly every one of them gives precedence to “the cause”. We can’t embrace love, mercy, hope, and peace when our causes (or a place of business) trumps people.


Once again, the mass actions of Christians built another wall of distrust between the Church and the GLBTQ communities. Nobody was surprised that the CEO of CFA is against gay marriage. Nobody was surprised that Mike Huckabee made the decision to rally support behind CFA. And nobody was surprised that Christians took Huckabee’s words as marching orders, leading the charge with more passion, delight, and Instagram pictures than what we express for so many more important issues facing this country. If Mike Huckabee had declared yesterday “Homeless Appreciation Day,” would the response have been even half as large and loud? Yes, I know; that’s an unfair question. But we’re Christians, so we’re very familiar with the use of unfair questions to make a point.
Once in a while, our culture needs to be surprised by how much we love people–all people. Once in a while, our culture needs to be overwhelmed with joy that we are involved in the greater story. Once in a while, our culture needs to see us being a part of the solution and not the problem. But yesterday? There were no surprises. And no surprises only builds more distrust, not peace, not grace, not hope, and not love.


Yesterday’s hoopla surrounding CFA did nothing to prove that Christians don’t hate gay people. Oh I know that most Christians will say, “I don’t hate gay people!!”
But did supporting CFA Appreciation Day prove that?
Trust me, I understand that most people who ate chicken sandwiches at CFA yesterday did not do that as an act of hate. I get that. And that’s cool and all, but did the act of going out of your way to CFA prove that to be true? Do you think that the GLBTQ communities believe you? Would you, if you were gay, believe you?
Now before you answer that, remember that yesterday’s CFA Love Day was just one action in a long line of many. Because let’s face it: Christians go WAY out of their way to “hate the sin”–i.e., by voting against gay marriage, voting against civil unions, voicing their angst about gay people adopting children (just to list a few). Is it possible that Christians lose the ability to truly “love the sinner” because they’re so busy “hating the sin”? Do Christians put anywhere near the energy into “loving the sinner” as they do “hating the sin”?

All I know is that the GLBTQ communities are becoming quite used to feeling unloved by Christians. And with good reason.
How many times do we hear Christians say something like, “I don’t hate gay people. I may not agree with their lifestyle. But I don’t hate them… ”

If you were gay, would you believe that? Think about it. Would you feel loved by somebody if they included rules, context, and/or explanations about your lifestyle every time they spoke about how much they don’t hate you? Only when talking about gay people do Christians feel the need to preface their “love” or “non-hate” with some variation of “I don’t agree with your lifestyle, but…” Christians don’t talk about any other group of people like that–only gay people.

So, I want to believe Christians when they say “I don’t hate gay people.” But sometimes proof of that is necessary. And yesterday did not prove that. Honestly, yesterday proved little more than how shallow Christians can be sometimes.

Not only did supporting CFA Appreciation Day declare that Christians believe that an issue is more important than people, that declaration was made by the mass consumption of junk food. That fact doesn’t need a punch line. It is a punch line.

Yes, on some level, yesterday was successful. I’m sure that today CFA feels really loved. And I’m sure Mike Huckabee feels loved, too. And I’m sure lots of people, many Christians included, feel great pride for supporting the cause. But there’s also a large group of people, good people, people you might disagree with, that today, feel really unloved.

If it’s true that Christians don’t hate gay people, today would be a really good day to prove it.

I don''t think I have to say any more about this fiasco...Matthew has said it all, perfectly, beautifully, and eloquently...Thank YOU, Matthew!!!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Lining up to support hatred and discrimination?

OK so I am feeling out of the loop...
I may have to put my two cents worth into this Chik-fil-A debate, as much as it sickens me to do so...
Today I am driving to school and the traffic was HORRIBLE...backed up for miles. My initial reaction to seeing the lines of people outside of our local Chik-fil-A, and seeing the blocks and blocks and blocks of traffic jams and police cars directing initial feeling is like I, among others, have been kicked in the gut. An almost breathless feeling. I then proceeded to remind myself that I truly needed to remember that I placed myself smack dab in the middle of the Bible belt? Why should I be shocked at these actions? Why should I think that I am able to change people's minds when they are not the ones affected by other's actions?

I have Sirius Satelite radio and we listen to OutQ talk radio. If you have not heard of these...very VERY entertaining and very informative on many levels. Michelangelo Signorile holds a talk show in the afternoons on this channel and happened to be holding a debate on this very topic the other day. It seems that the Log Cabin Republicans sent a letter to him stating that their fellow gays were griping, complaining, and becoming drama queens over a chicken sandwich and didn't we have other more valuable areas to place our focus of debate? But if not here, then where?

Years ago, Target was ostracized for donating to a local Congressman's campaign who chose to vote to defeat Minnesota's upcoming marriage equality amendment. After a great amount of negative publicity, Target apologized for their actions and have in turn donated more money to LGBT community functions. I do not see this happening for the Southern-based restaurant chain in question.

For you see, it is not a debate over a chicken sandwich. It is a debate over equality. It is a debate over the idea that we are not second class citizens. It is a debate over the fact that at any time we can be fired for who we love. It is a debate over the fact that in some states, we can be removed from our loved one's hospital rooms and made to sit in the waiting rooms and receive knowledge second hand. It does not matter how long a relationship has been together. It is a debate that will continue to rage on for months even years. It sickens me, but it has nothing to do with waffle fries.

So for me, I am choosing to not go to Chik-fil-A because they make a terrific chicken sandwich. I am choosing to not give my money to Chik-fil-A because of their choice to fund campaigns that promote hatred, promote discrimination, and promote a society where "all created equal" is not the truth. They have made this completely biblical in nature when there should be a separation between church and state. And they are not alone in their support. Other businesses are just as guilty and believe me they are not the only one who will not receive my funds for their services. I can and will shop elsewhere.

Here's the dealio: They have every right to do as they please with their money. They have every right to speak their mind. In this country, there is such a thing as freedom of speech and I support that. However, I have every right to speak my mind just as freely or to make the choice to just not put my money in their coffers so that they can continue to promote things they should quite possibly just stay the heck out of...SO they can take their chicken sandwich and give it to those who support their business practices.

I pray for a day when things are different, where hatred and discrimination are not chosen over Christian values of love and understanding. I am saddened that we are not there yet...