Sunday, August 31, 2014

Ahhhh flatulence!!!!

We all do it.
I joke with Justin that "I am a delicate flower" and that I DO NOT DO THIS!!!!
I was driving home and heard a major discussion on Sirius/XM OutQ talk radio. The guys were trying to embarrass one of their cast by trying to tell everybody that she was a neverending source of gas. They had found all of these facts and then would bring it back to her flatulence. They used their sound effects throughout the entire segment. Comments like, :who knew that we have 15 different buttons on our sound board set aside for fart sounds" LOL!!!!! What ensued was a huge amount of laughter and I was CRYING it was so funny!!

I thought I would do a little research and look into this...just cuz...I mean why not???? LOL!!!!!!!
Here is a lovely article I found:
10 Fascinating Facts About Farting     
    by Beverly Jenkins   from     Weird Science    
Why Do Farts Smell Bad?
What Is A Fart, Exactly?
Why do we fart? Why do farts smell? Passing gas may be embarrassing for most of us, but it might make you feel better to know that it's one of the most common bodily functions of all time. Everyone does it, from Halle Berry to the Queen of England. In fact, the word "fart" is one of the oldest words in the English language! Read on to discover more fascinating facts about about cutting the cheese.

What Is A Fart, Exactly?

Farts are caused by trapped air, which can come from many sources. Some of it is air that we have swallowed while chewing or drinking. Some air is caused by gas seeping into our intestines from our blood, and some gas is produced by chemical reactions in our intestines or bacteria living in our guts. A typical fart is composed of about 59 percent nitrogen, 21 percent hydrogen, 9 percent carbon dioxide, 7 percent methane and 4 percent oxygen. Only about one percent of a fart contains hydrogen sulfide gas and mercaptans, which contain sulfur, and the sulfur is what makes farts stink. Farts make a sound when they escape due to the vibrations of the rectum. The loudness may vary depending on how much pressure is behind the gas, as well as the tightness of the sphincter muscles.

NOTE: This photo made me laugh SOOOOOO hard...Thank you Disney for this phrase and thank you artist for remaking it to fit and making my giggle!!

Why Do Farts Smell Bad?

The more sulfur-rich your diet is, the more terrible your farts will smell. Some foods contain more sulfur than others, which is why eating things like beans, cabbage, cheese, soda, and eggs can cause gas that will peel the paint off the walls!

People Pass Gas About 14 Times Per Day

The average person produces about half a liter of farts every single day, and even though many women won't admit it, women do fart just as often as men. In fact, a study has proven that when men and women eat the exact same food, woman tend to have even more concentrated gas than men. If a person were to fart continuously for 6 years and 9 months, they would produce gas with the equivalent energy of an atomic bomb.

NOTE: Except me...glance towards to top of post for my title...I am a DELICATE flower and a princess...we do not do that!!!

Farts Have Been Clocked At A Speed Of 10 Feet Per Second.

Though farts come out with varying velocities, we don't typically smell them for about 10-15 seconds after letting them rip. This is because it takes that long for the odor to reach your nostrils.

NOTE: Oh dear. Research also told me that gas exits at about 7 does that mean that it slows down upon atmosphere entry too?? SHEESH.

Holding Farts In Could Be Bad For Your Health

Doctors disagree on whether or not holding in a fart is bad for your health. Some experts think that farts are a natural part of your digestive system, so holding them in won't harm you. Others think that at best, holding them in can cause gas, bloating, and other uncomfortable symptoms, and at worst, repressing gas can cause hemorrhoids or a distended bowel.

NOTE: ONE of my fondest memories of college...that's all I am going to say...but suffice it to say...I still giggle when I think of it!!!

For Some Cultures, Farting Is No Big Deal

While most cultures feel that farts should be suppressed in polite company, there are some cultures that not only don't mind letting them fly in public, but they actually enjoy it. An Indian tribe in South America called the Yanomami fart as a greeting, and in China you can actually get a job as a professional fart-smeller! In ancient Rome, Emperor Claudius, fearing that holding farts in was bad for the health, passed a law stating that it was acceptable to break wind at banquets. 

Farts Are Flammable

As stated above, the methane and hydrogen in bacteria-produced farts make your gas highly flammable. This is why some people think it's a fun party trick to hold a lighter up to their bums and let one fly; doing so produces a big burst of flame, but is obviously very dangerous. In rare cases, a build-up of flammable gasses in the intestines have caused explosions during intestinal surgeries!

NOTE: I have never done this and just shake my head at anyone who is a doofus enough to try this...I mean seriously??? LOL!!!!!

Termites Produce The Most Farts Of Any Other Animal

Termites Produce The Most Farts Of Any Other Animal
It's hard to believe that the tiny termite is responsible for a great deal of our global warming problem on the planet. Termites fart more than any other animal, which produces methane gas. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, "Global emissions of methane due to termites are estimated to be between 2 and 22 Tg per year, making them the second largest natural source of methane emissions. Methane is produced in termites as part of their normal digestive process, and the amount generated varies among different species."

NOTE: You are WELCOME gentle reader for this OPRAH AH HA moment!!! Who knew this nugget of information???

If You Hold Them In, They'll Just Come Out When You Sleep

Even if you clenched your butt and held them in all day, the gas will escape once you relax. What's more relaxing than sleep?

NOTE: Justin Box...NO COMMENT from you SIR!!!!!!!!

People Even Fart After Death

People Even Fart After Death
Here's proof that you can't escape passing wind, even after you're dead! Up to three hours after the body dies, gasses continue to escape from both ends of the digestive tract, resulting in burping or farting noises. This phenomenon is due to muscles contracting and expanding before rigor mortis sets in.

NOTE: HMM...never even thought about this...

Names we call them
Gasseus Maximus.
Vapors (Thank you, Jannetta)
Whatever your thoughts on is funny...and natural

Oh and one more little laughter inducing nugget...

Well there ya go!!! You can now go about your day!!!
You are WELCOME.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

An anniversary...and a new mantra

Labor Day is here!!!! I have learned a new fact. 2014 marks the 50th anniversary of the landmark Wilderness Act. I find that my most peaceful times, my most collected times where I feel closer to a higher power have been on hikes, on climbs, on sitting in the edge of a rock ledge looking out over vast wilderness. Today I am grateful for the 1964 Wilderness Act that was created to protect nearly 110 million acres of wilderness areas from coast to coast of our great country.  You might be wondering what the Wilderness Act truly is and why it was created??

What was The Wilderness Act created for?
The Wilderness Act is considered one of America’s greatest conservation achievements. The act created our National Wilderness Preservation System and provided the means for Americans to induct unspoiled areas into the system and utilized this tool to contribute a total of 109 million acres to the National Wilderness Preservation System.

Here's what the Wilderness Act does:

  • Created a way for Congress and Americans to designate "wilderness areas," which represent the nation's highest form of land protection. No roads, vehicles or permanent structures are allowed in designated wilderness. A wilderness designation also prohibits activities like logging or mining. It takes like 8 or 9 years to just get recognition and installation of these areas through Congress...but then again...what does Congress do that doesn't take like FOREVER to get something accomplished. HA HA  HA!!!
  • Created the National Wilderness Preservation System, which provides management of the nation’s protected wilderness areas and works to maintain them.
  • Set aside 9.1 million acres of wild American lands into the National Wilderness Preservation System, protecting them as designated wilderness and opened them up to public consumption without transportation on most of them. I love this. I am grateful that my main man Theodore Roosevelt for beginning this movement. He created the US Forestry Service and established 51 Federal Bird Reservations, 4 National Game Preserves, 150 National Forests, 5 National Parks, and signed into law the 1906 American Antiquities Act which he used to proclaim 18 National Monuments. During his presidency,Theodore Roosevelt protected approximately 230,000,000 acres of public land.
It has been estimated that millions and millions of Americans enjoy wilderness areas for hiking, camping, backpacking, fishing and more. The Wilderness Act continues to protect unspoiled wild lands with the possibility of new designations each year. And for this I am grateful.

One of my goals in the coming future is to get more connected with nature and head out into the great unknown. I do love this...its just been awhile since I have done stuff like this...and so it's time...It's time to shake it up a bit and get out there on those weekends to breathe and relax and reconnect...cause from the looks of it...gonna be a hectic BUSY fall season.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Universe Speaks...

There is this awesome website I found through a friend that has proven to be very inspirational for me over the last couple of months.
 The website address is
They send you daily affirmations that I really love and they truly help to set the tone of my day ahead. You should check them out sometime.
Today's quote and touch base was very thought-provoking.
It stated:

"You can have what you want if you brave what you fear and do what you can"

Game on,
The Universe

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

I love what this has to say...

And this is so difficult...I think this was a good reason why last year was just so funky. I was not in a good place...for many reasons...but I think my general mood and gut are saying good things for the upcoming school year and for that I am grateful.
Patience is NOT one of my virtues as you have read in numerous posts of the last year...I want things to roll quicker than they truly are...but then I have to PAUSE...take a BREATH...and send up a little convo with the BIG GUY and just say, "Hey, you know what? I know you got this...but please just give me patience and guidance to help me figure it all out."

Philippians 4:6 "Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything; tell God your needs and don't forget to thank Him for his answers. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand."

And I am able to calmly go through the day ahead with a new sense of focus.

Monday, August 25, 2014


Gonna have to let this one simmer for awhile...I love what this says so much and it is so many times we struggle to create our perfect world, with the perfect picket fence, and the perfect partner and the perfect Donna Reed mentality...
We need to meet those around us form where they are.
Let them experience their own experiences.
Let them live the lives they were intended to live. 
And love and support them through their own journey while you figure out your own life path.
Not saying that you cannot do this together...but even in the best of relationships, there has to be some sense of independence too...
Am I correct or do you feel differently?

Sunday, August 24, 2014

AHHHH how many times have I said this?

How many times have I said this??
Life choices are difficult. And sometimes you have to have the stamina, the know-how, and the strength to say this is not working for me, or I see this going somewhere I never intended this journey to go. 
Sometimes, the door is a friendship. Sometimes the door is a job. 
When something gets too negative, to energy-draining, too much on the plate and not enough positivity, you have to find the strength to say, "DONE". 
Call it self-preservation. Call it foresight.
Whichever you wish, it is a sad process. But in the end, you are protecting your heart, your energy, your capacity to focus your head and light towards others and other adventures.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Needed some motivation this morning

Besides grabbing my coffee cup this morning to give myself a kick in the pants to get going and get motivated...I thought I would share a couple of these posts from my Pinterest page...Gonna use these for my kids and their journal entries in the next few weeks...I love what they have to say...

CARRY ON, fellow sojourners...

Thursday, August 21, 2014

One Last Ice Bucket Challenge.

So many of us have seen the explosion of the Ice Bucket Challenge on Facebook and social media. There have been so many who have not only dumped the icy waters over their heads but also have donated.
This video caught my eye. Obviously the beginning of this video is so goofy!!! SO funny...For those car wash moments and those booty shorts...What the viewer is not prepared for is the rest of the video. Please give it a watch...and you might want to grab a kleenex. You might have to move the cursor back a bit in order to take care of the skip ahead that happens to play the video in it's entirety. It is SO MOVING and you can't not be affected by this young man's story

Let me state here that I BELIEVE IN THIS PROJECT!!! It has drawn such a terrific response as well as raised amazing numbers of funds for a terrific cause. If you can, get out there and donate. You may or may not get nominated...thats ok! I have heard on thenews that almost 42 million dollars donated towards this very worthy cause.

Just go to to learn more about the challenge.

To make a donation, go to to make your money count.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Ding Ding...

So years ago, I created a one man evening cabaret show centered around my life up and to that point. It included a large number of monologues written around various topics.
One of the monologues showcased was a game show called "Catching the Clue Train to Coming out." and was centered on the whole idea of how surely family members must have known as I was growing up that surely this boy was not of the masculine persuasion...HA HA HA HA HA!!!
 Lord knows I was not the hunting, fishing, gathering type...well maybe gathering various crafty materials to create lovely home décor and beauty. DING DING.
I included many photographs from my past and had witty things to say about each of these pics.
Some have even made it onto this blog...HA! HA! HA! HA!

I fondly remember visiting my Grandma Holm during the summer and trying on her jewelry and going outside and waving to passersby. DING DING.
Or I shared the story during the cabaret of going into my Mom's closet and trying on her prairie woman dress that looked straight out of the 80's and pretending I was Karen Carpenter lip-syncing my favorite Carpenter tunes in the living room with my babysitter, who was forced to be Richard Carpenter...DING DING!!!
I laughed so hard this eve as I encountered the same form of event on one of my favorite radio talk shows on satellite radio. I always listen to "Derek and Romaine" on Sirius XM radio. They are HIGHLARIOUS!!!!!! Well they had a section called "Bitch Back" with the very same question...looking back on your childhood, were there clues that should have been AH HA moments for family and friends that you were gay...two of the most funny callers were these...
One was a guy calling in talking about being put into baseball or softball or T ball or something like that...and remembers being out in right field and rehearsing his tap routines. HA HA HA HA HA.
And then another caller called in and made the comment that his father had put him in T-ball and all he wanted was to be a figure skater/roller skater. His teacher asked him to bring in a talent for the up coming talent show and he had these detachable speakers which he placed on each of his hips. He put on his roller skates and rollerskated to his favorite song, "Tainted Love"
 I just cannot even go on....

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Here is the next number from the "18 Ways You're Making Your Life Harder Than it has to Be."
I am telling you, if you have not visited this website, you need to. The Mind Unleashed really makes you think...and its entertaining.

#2 on this list speaks to me on a deeper level...and it truly ties in with number one. I think we can all relate to this list on many different levels...some more than others but still...

#2 states: "You let others make you feel guilty for living your life. – As long as you’re not hurting anyone else, keep living your life YOUR way.  Sometimes we get lost in trying to live for someone else, trying to meet their expectations, and doing things just to impress them.  Take a moment and think about it.  Are you doing things because you truly believe in them?  Remember your own goals.  Live, do and love so that you are happy, because when it comes down to it, relationships can end in an instant, but you will live with yourself for the rest of your life."

How true! We have but one life, folks. Why would you not live it to the very fullest. I spent too many years living my life for others...thinking that somehow if I did not live it this way or that way, that I would disappoint someone or that I would make someone angry or that I wouldn't live up to the expectations someone may or may not have in regards to my life.

Here what I have learned...WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO YOURSELF???

You cannot live your life for your parents or grandparents. You cannot live your life for your boyfriend or girlfriend. You cannot live your life for your fraternity or sorority. For you see, dear reader, the key words in these statements are "YOUR LIFE".

It's not selfish. It is true fact. God brought you into this world to be a beacon, to live it to the very fullest and to be true to the goals you have set for your own journey.

Do something that you can be proud of.
Create beauty where you plant yourself.
Work at something you truly love.

Why would you live your life where you are miserable? What good is that?

Carry on, fellow sojourners.

Monday, August 18, 2014


30 Death-Defying Photos That Will Make Your Heart Skip A Beat

The above is a photo from a section entitled "30 death-defying photos". You should check them out here...

And it is true...your heart does skip a beat with each one of these photos...a few on my own bucket list...some you just look at it and shake your head thinking, "That is absolutely CRAZY!!! What would go through your mind as you are attempting to get to this point and then set up that wall tent...get into that kayak...the ADRENALINE!!!!"

I have had my own moments in nature and KNOW the feeling of closeness to that Higher Power one feels while being out there...I have blogged about it numerous times. But there was always a sense of safety when doing these climbs...these photos...not so much. These are CRAZY!!!!!

But you also cannot look at these photos and not experience a sense of awe. Of crisp breath. Of thinking, "How inspiring and glorious and breath-taking and mind-blowing." An occurrence you would never be able to recreate once your have experienced it for the first time.

30 Death-Defying Photos That Will Make Your Heart Skip A Beat Versus  

It's so easy to take a selfie...but there is a strong sense of adrenaline and rush getting out there for that perfect photo...

And I just don't think I am strong enough or crazy enough to take THAT step...

But they sure are BEAUTIFUL photos!!!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Kid President from Youtube

We were given the opportunity to experience this young man at Professional Development through some of his Youtube videos...

You should check him out...

He has a LOT to say!!! Especially for someone so little to someone who has just been born into this world and has so much to experience...

Highlights of this particular video?

Laughing with milk coming out of your nose...

There is plenty of reasons to dance.

Give people high fives for just getting out of bed.

Treat everybody like its their birthday.

Take a breath.

Take brain pictures.

Its about who you are as a person.

You're made from love, to be loved, to spread love.
Love is always LOUDER.
Let your life be LOUD!!


Saturday, August 16, 2014

Rank this somewhere...

I love my dog.
It has taken me a long route to get there but I am totally there. Justin and I are watching our way through the terrific series REVENGE and there was an episode where they have to say goodbye to the dog who has been the mainstay of the neighborhood and Justin and I almost lost it...

What's even sadder?? THIS...
 I am sorry...but what in the heck is this stupid thing?? We are in the middle of professional development and one of my colleagues came across this photo and it just cracked me up...yes we should have been paying attention.. HOWEVER, being that I have been on a little glamping kick, I thought this would push some of you over the edge...
Cute??? YES
Ridiculous???? HECK YES
I look to the sky and scream WHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYY?????

After doing a little research into these doggie campers...I did not have to go far to find this:

It's a dog's life! Tiny $800 camper vans set to be the ultimate travel accessory for pampered pooches ... complete with personalized number plates

When it comes to pampered pooches, these new pet camper vans take the (dog) biscuit.
At $800 each, the tiny kennels are designed especially with man's best friend in mind - and come in four different styles.
Straight Line Design's owner Judson Beaumont says the inspiration for the Pet Camper came to him when his daughter asked him to build a doghouse for her puppy several years ago.
The company says that all of the trailers are fully customisable.
A spokesman added: 'We use a variety of materials including laminate, which makes the possibilities virtually endless.
'We currently have four body styles available, however Judson is always coming up with new concepts for future models. There will definitely be more to come.'
Although the trendy trailers were originally created with small dogs in mind, the campers are perfect for any kind of animal.

Read more:

You are WELCOME.
Commence with whatever you were doing....

Friday, August 15, 2014


As I had alluded to in a previous post, last weekend was an adventure for me...a revisit to a way of life I had forgotten from my Boy Scout years. We went camping and went friends up to a place northwest of Little get away, to spend fun time together, to be outdoors, to reconvene with nature.
When I was little, we would have many scouting events that required us to live in tents for weeks, weekends, on end and live "one with nature". I had a tent mate that I shared my tent with always. Cameron was a swimmer and he was an all-around awesome guy!!! We even shared a cardboard box together in a winter campout at a local nature park. We lined up the refrigerator boxes side by side and straight across from each other and then capped off the roof and ends with more boxes and loaded each box with two boys and their sleeping bags and gear. It was cozy to say the least but we generated heat nicely with the winter weather going below zero on us for the entire weekend. It was awesome then and earned us our "Zero Hero" badges for braving the weather and going below the zero temp.
When I was little and on into my teenage years, we lived out in the country and out there, when one kid tented out during the summer months, somehow all the kids in the area would tent out. We would make plans to convene at a given location and then go exploring. Play capture the flag. Lay out under the stars. Talk about stuff. It was great. We used to go and play over in the big area to and have our Tom Sawyer moments. But I have grown up..."I've slept since then"...and have forgotten what these experiences were like and quite frankly, could never do something like that least not without an air mattress and electricity.
So when Justin and Jessica suggested going camping, I was very apprehensive. I needed to be eased into this idea of camping once again. And then they threw out the idea of kayaking and canoeing/ floating down a river and I get visions of enclosed legs inside the kayak, the rushing deep waters, and the ideas of kayaking deaths in situations like those and I am down for the count.
But you know what??? I DID IT! I tried it. Once I saw that the actual kayaks were set up so your legs were out in the wide open and began the floating experience in the canoe and sat how deep the water actually was, which was fairly low, my heart was set at ease and I had a terrific time. I loved it.
However, you could never call what we did last weekend as camping if truth be told. We drove up in the awesome RV and it was complete with washer/dryer combo, satellite TV and tunes, awnings, push outs, and rugs to cover the grass alongside the RV for chairs and the cooking burners. It was what friends have affectionately called Glamping. It is Glamourous Camping...and it ROCKED!!!!
I actually have caught myself thinking that maybe we could purchase a tent and an air mattress and sleeping bags and branch sure was nice to be outside, and to be on the water, and to be out in the fresh air and friends. It was a great time had by all.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Move On

I love this song so much.
I love what it says.
I love what it teaches.
I love that it says, "Stop worrying if your vision is new. Let others make that decision. They usually do...You keep moving on."

I love that it also speaks, "I chose, and my world was shaken-So what? The choice may have been mistaken,
The choosing was not...You have to move on"
And still one of my very favorites, even after so many years...this song can still speak to me and I choose to listen...

Carry on, fellow sojourners.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


I have found a terrific, very thought-provoking website that some of you may or may not know about. If you do not, I suggest you do so with a quickness. There are so many topics it covers and I have had many an AH HA moment while looking through some of its articles.

The website is:

The website deals with everything from paradigm shifts to fear, from toxic relationships to the unknown. I am growing to love it more and more every passing day.

One of the interesting recent articles is entitled, "18 Ways You're Making Your Life Harder Than It Has to Be". It can be found here for future reference:

This is one of those articles that I will definitely be sharing with my students at some point in the upcoming year and need to heed its words much closer as the year progresses in my own world. What rings true to me is this...the article states, "As we grew older our minds became gradually disillusioned by negative external influences.  At some point we began to hesitate and question our instincts.  When a new obstacle or growing pain arose, we stumbled and fell down.  This happened several times.  Eventually we decided we didn’t want to fall again, but rather than solving the problem that caused us to fall, we avoided it all together.... Over the course of time, we made our lives harder and harder, and we started losing touch with who we really are and what we really need."

Many of the points covered in this article ring true for my own life. I am going to have to take a few blog posts to really get my thoughts down on some of these and will cover them over the coming few weeks.

 #1 speaks to me on a level that when I was younger, I felt I needed to please my parents and grandparents. I had to do the right thing, have the right "correct" job, and have the perfect life. No one I dated could stand up to my own ideas of bringing them home to meet the parents and live to tell about it.

My work as an actor was not good enough. My life in the arts had to be defined in a certain way...and for some that route was by being a teacher. A life in the arts = uncertainty, job to job, and pay check to paycheck. And for some, that life choice was not appropriate. They believed that in order for me to appear "successful" I needed to do something more being a teacher...or retail to pay the rent and then you can go and play at night in the theatre...ignoring the fact that truly this field of theatre was one of my strongest passions.

So as you can see, there is some animosity towards these folks, and somewhat forcing this profession on me. And animosity towards myself for allowing myself to be twisted a bit and making the choice. Yes I am good at it. Yes I love it. I LOVE what I do. I find great pride and accomplishment in educating young people on the beauty of the arts. But does it mean that I am shutting my door to other opportunities? Possibly. And for that I feel sad.

It is only in my late 30's and early 40's that I have found my inner voice. I have felt the need to "peel back the layers and think for myself." Sad that it took that long, huh? I have allowed myself to listen to my SELF and break the mold. Stop living my life for those around me and start following my own intuition and gut.

Yes, I do have a partner and a life with him that I know I need to be cognizant of his life as well as mine. I know this...and thankfully, he loves and supports me and understands that this is something I am struggling with. He more so than anybody else now understands this and loves me regardless of the struggles.

#1 says "For much of our lives – especially at the beginning – we get told what do, how to think, what looks good, what “success” is, etc.  You don’t have to buy into any of it anymore.  Feel free to peel back the layers.  Think for yourself.  Listen to your Self.  Break the mold.  When you stop doing what everybody else wants you to do and start following your own intuition, you will find exactly what you are looking for."

Ignore the inner critic, take a deep breath, and live and love the life you are destined to live. Not by anyone else's mold, but by your own adventure.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Rest in Peace, my Genie.
You will be truly missed. I am sorry your life was riddled with darkness but you brought such great light to all of us. And for that we feel truly blessed.
Travel on, sweet man.

The motto of 2014...another AH HA moment

So last night, Justin and I headed over to be with some dear friends' home, spend the evening reminiscing, drinking some beers and wine, and have a few casseroles together. You see, this friend has just lost his mother and is in the process of doing everything a son does upon the loss of their last parent...the packing, the sifting, the laughing, the finding, the planning for final goodbyes. It is overwhelming. Justin and I headed over to just be with them...perhaps bring a little levity to the situation. We certainly did laugh and have a few wonderful hours together.

I sat there thinking, "This may be the last few times we will be together now that she is gone." Seems that the last few times together have been surrounded by death and the approach of this final moment on earth. His father had passed almost a year and half ago. His mom passed after a long bout with cancer and hospice care. With both parents no longer here, the reason to come back may be fewer and more far between.

On the road trip back to our house, I began to chat with my partner about all that we had seen and heard and the conversation led to our future plans over the next year. I had become frustrated and excited all together. The wedding plans are exciting and the thought of spending our future together makes me so joyful. I think it stresses Justin to no end and I have to be super sensitive to this...I know this. I just have faith that it will all work out in the end and I think this drives Justin CRAZY. A date has been set...the last weekend in June 2015 and now we have to figure out the guest list...which is going to have to be minimalized as we want a very intimate affair, lakeside, at my folk's home in Lake Park, MN...Preparations, decorating, getting all of our families together...its ALOT.

I have been frustrated as I have had things pop up that I truly cannot get too deeply into on this blog or any conversation really for the time being. Don't want to and yet it is on my mind...everything seems to move slower than I would like...but in the end, I get it. I understand the process and need to be open to it all and relax and assure myself that nothing comes right away...once again praying for patience and guidance...ahh the motto of 2014 it seems...and yet I want everything to go speedily and come to some sort of completion....the what ifs...the let's get going...the decide already...

All Justin can say is, "Relax. It doesn't do you any good to worry about it. It is going to work itself out in the end." And I hear this...and it helps...except when you are a worry wart and knit pick everything apart in your head and wonder this...and wonder that...and speculate that if this sure would be beautiful...Do any of you do this too??

Then I go to church and once again have my OPRAH AH HA moment and I am in awe. The message was this..."Show UP. Shut UP. Pay Attention. God will handle it all for you. His hand is never away from your life even though it may feel like it is never present. His hand is guiding you through all of this life and its difficult twists and turns. You just have to show up, shut up, and listen and He will show you his plan."


Monday, August 11, 2014

The power of man's hands and heart

The beauty of art. When man puts his mind to doing actually letting go of hatred and thoughts of war and placing more focus on the beauty of the life around him

When you can crane your neck and feel the pull as your head goes back to take in the grandeur of ceiling painting...something so real, so mesmerizing, that it takes your breath away...You could stand there for hours and never move and never see it all

Making a life out of water, canvas, paper, color and being so humbled by those who adore your work...

Having dinner with friends one evening and turning a corner on a street and finding a masterpiece being recreated out of chalk for enjoyment of others...

On the street, so fragile, the ability of create knowing that with one drop of rain it could all be washed away in a second...There is something profound in that.

Leaving your name on the wall of life...whether it is near Juliet's balcony...

Or on a piece of glass...Creating what appears to be breathing creatures out of something so solid it could break if dropped...

Getting dressed up in all your finest and going out on the town

Painting that town in colors of yellow, blue,or green...heating up sand to create glass to create pop-art on a wall...Priceless.

Sitting down for a homemade meal you have watched the cooks create from behind glass...and it tastes so good that it is something you will never forget.

The intricacies of design...the interconnectedness that binds humans to each other...even though we strive to want to display how different we supposedly are

Happening upon an art shop that speaks to you on so many levels...the cross between the stage and the passage of time. The wearing of masks. The jovial nature of the fool but behind the facade is sadness.
Art breeds life. Art brings joy. Art fuels your heart and your mind.

The fruits of our labor. The dishes we bring to the table with friends and family... filled with good food and good conversation. Changing our environment through laughter and memories.

Looking up to the sky and saying, "Oh. MY. WORD. All the beauty and it was all created by man's hand and fueled by man's heart."

Today I am grateful to be surrounded by art. To be surrounded by such creative people. To be filled to the brim with joy and excitement by what this world has to offer and by those around me.

Oh and I miss Italy...

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Where do we go from here?

I saw the opportunity for a photo this passed weekend up in Turner Bend. We went camping (if you can call it that) this past weekend. There will be a few blog posts coming on what I learned from this experience. But as we were walking down to the kayak/canoe area, I looked over and saw this really scenic bridge and thought it lovely.
It reminded me of Bridges of Madison County. It reminded me of the journey. It reminded me of wondering what's on the other side and will it be just as adventuresome. It reminded me of one of my favorite songs from the musical Violet. If you ever get the chance to see this musical, it will not disappoint. It is a story set in the 1960's and a young 25 year old (or so) girl is getting on a bus headed to Tulsa, Oklahoma to find a televangelist faith healer who needs to heal her of her facial scar she received from an axe blade when she was a young girl, playing outside while her father chopped wood. They make stops all across the southern states and the music changes to match the location.
The music is eclectic and heart-felt. The story is powerful and timely. The journey is emotional and beautiful. And the themes are topical and poignant, even today, though it is set in the time of the Civil Rights movement of the 60's.
One of my favorite songs is "Let it Sing" and I thought I would include the lyrics here to remind me.

        Raise your foot now that’s the way
You’ll be movin’ on today
Raise the other put it down
Now you’re headed into town
Oh boy you got left, right
oh boy, ain’t that right

Got some years ahead to go
You’ll go free if you take it slow
Oh boy you got left, right
oh boy, ain’t that right

Two kinds of people in this world
Some say yes and some say no
Time to say which side you’re on
Eeeny meeny miney moe
Say yes and your adventure starts
Not always as expected
Say no you stay apart
But you stay protected

You’ve got to give your self a reason to rejoice
Cause the music you make counts for everything
Now every living soul has got a voice
You’ve got to give it room
And let it sing

My family never had too much
Made the best of every day
Ate what’s on our plates you know
Never threw a thing away
We left our nightmares on the shelf
Our dreams were on the table
Pass ‘em down and help your self
As long as you are able

My momma told me
Son forget what might have been
Give yourself a break whatever’s happening
Don’t let your spirit, son, come closing in
You gotta give it room and let it, let it sing
You gotta give it room and let it sing
Oh you gotta lift up your voice and sing

Got some years ahead to go
You’ll go free if you take it slow
Got some years it won’t be long
You’ll be free to sing your song

Oh boy you got left, right
Oh boy

Those precious little really folks like us enjoy
You can make your music from the simplest things
And though no one has got to tend your soul
You’ve got to give it room and let it
Let it sing.

Beautiful, eh? Yeah I thought so too. Go on with your day, let it sing, and whatever you do Make it an Adventure!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

It's those moments...

...that make your heart melt.

This is our newest member of the family, Beckett Ford. He is three months old and yesterday he and his guncle had a wonderful moments together. With large families, it certainly is difficult to find these moments as many folks want to hold him, and meet him, and love on him. So, you can see, I try to take these moments as they come.
This week is the week I am back in my classroom, getting everything cleaned, copied, and readied for the beginning of school. I try to start early. Next week will be those long awaited meetings and "really interesting" professional development sessions that we all look forward to. It is always such a hectic time that I decided if I could get in and get my work done ahead of time, I would be much better on focus and more relaxed when the "report to school" time rolls around. I decided to take a break and head up to see Dad and he asked if I wanted to go to lunch. This doesn't happen as much as I would like and so I jumped at the opportunity.
We got to the house to pick up my nephew Blaine Garrett and found Sadie trying to get Beckett settled down for his nap. I got to hold him for a few moments while she prepared a bottle. We had a rockin' time while we waited for the bottle to arrive. Most babies get a little fussy with facial hair. Beckett was no different. He was fussy, and moving, and not happy upon first arrival to my arms but once I started lightly bouncing and cooing, he settled down and began to just look around. It was nice.
Then Dad, Blaine, and I had lunch and then came back to the house. We rounded the corner and there was Sadie and Beckett hanging out in the kitchen. (You can see that Beckett was not having this whole nap thing.) Dad went to change clothes and I pulled up a chair and began to have a chat with my three month old nephew. While bouncing him in his bouncy chair and cooing and whispering to him, he began to smile, and giggle, and laugh, and coo back. He would look at me and I would smile down at him and he would smile back...It was AWESOME!!!!!! I tried to get a video of it but to no avail...hilariously so...he would focus on the phone camera and then would get this look on his face like, "No Paparazzi. Just you and me bud." I loved it. But I did get some photos and then Sadie took a photo of our moment.
It was terrific and I loved every minute of it. The hectic schedule and the long list of what I "needed to do" just melted away and nothing became more important than those moments I shared with my nephews

Thursday, August 7, 2014

And I say to the skies...YES!!!!

Thank you, Julie Knott, for this post today. I needed something like this to start my day!!! 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

An old soul in a child's body

We have heard it said that many young people are so intuitive. That they definitely have "old souls" and that they are wise beyond their years. I think each of us have met these young spirits of energy who then turn and open their mouths, outpouring such knowledge and wisdom and strength when we couldn't maybe see it ourselves? And you mind is blown!!

Call it a gift from it it youthful strength and understanding...even beyond their years.

Here's is where you might want to get the tissues handy...

This has been a summer of death for me, my family, and loved ones. Oddly, death has defined the summer of 2014 for me. With the passing of a high school friend and confidante in June to the waiting one family goes through with hospice and cancer as the inevitable end approaches. Four deaths in one summer is TOO MUCH!!! It just comes at you from many levels. It just seems so dark...and ominous...and filled with sadness.

However, if you look close enough, there are moments of light. Those "lightness of being" moments where you can feel God there saying, "Celebrate their life. Appreciate those around you and learn from your loved one's example."

My uncle's funeral was no exception. Now you have to picture this...on both sides of my family we are of strong Norwegian and Swedish decent. There is no hope of escaping the "toe-head blonde blonde blonde hair and blue eyes." Fair skin and BLONDE HAIR!!!!


See what I mean?

Well in our family, we have this beautiful little "lightness of being" who is a source of never-ending joy!! His name is Nate and Nate loves playing with cars, and exploring, and loves his little sister. Yet during the sadness that surrounded his great-grandpa's funeral (my uncle), Nate just seemed to understand that folks around him were sad, that they needed a hug, or that they just needed to play more with his toys. He is a four year old, after all with blonde blonde blonde hair and the bluest of eyes. This young man is wise beyond his years and could be the very "old soul" I described earlier.

Three moments stand out to me during this time period about Nate I will use as examples.
#1: His daddy had come in late for the visitation service. He LOVES his daddy. Wayne relayed a story of how Nate was trying to comfort those around him in Uncle Don's hospital room. When they turned off the machines and Don slipped away, obviously the family was sad and weeping and the room was heavy. Wayne said that Nate just calmly stated to those around him, "It's ok, Mommy, don't cry. Grandpa Don is on his way to heaven now."

#2: During the funeral, Nate wanted to help out or just be near his daddy. Wayne was to read scripture during the service and Nate wanted to be up there with him. Now we all have the stigma of caskets...whether they are open or closed. Wayne stood by the casket and began to read the scriptures selected for the service. Nate just walked right up there and grabbed hold of his daddy's hand and stood there next to Don's casket. Almost as if to say, "You got this, Daddy, I am here to help you through this." Was a beautiful moment...

#3 Graveside, true to Nate's helpful form, he wanted to be near and help his Daddy. Wayne was one of pallbearers. Nate walked over with Wayne and just grabbed hold of the front of the casket. As the men were carrying the casket to its final resting place, Nate announces, "Is that the hole where were are putting Grandpa Don." We all chuckled, of course, and Wayne assured him that yes buddy that was where they were taking the casket.
At the end of the service, Nate had a heart-shaped Mylar balloon with "I love You" written on it. Attached to the ribbon, Nate had attached a note card with his name and a "letter" to it. Earlier in the day, he had found a perfect Monarch butterfly around Don and Doris' home that he had taped to the back of the card. The service ended, the Lord's Prayer was said, and then his Mommy bent down and whispered for Nate to let the balloon go. It floated up into the air and sailed up into the clouds. His mommy then told us, "Nate just wanted to make sure that the first piece of mail Grandpa Don got up in heaven was from him." Fitting that Grandpa Don was a mail carrier for most of his life.

So you see...its moments like this that make hardship and sadness bearable and lighter. For you can truly feel God's hand in those moments...amongst the tears comes laughter and smiles.