It got me to thinking...In today's world, words should matter. They should showcase your eloquence, your thoughtfulness, your approachablity and your drive. They are important in getting your point across, but they also can be used against you to hold you accountable. Or so I used to think...
In today's government, words don't seem to matter very much. It seems we can say what we want, when we want, how we want and it just doesn't matter. There is zero accountability for the words we choose as well as our actions. It seems our esteemed President can say anything he wants to on his Twitter account, which documents it for posterity, and then turn around weeks and months later and deny that he even said it. Yet its all right there for everyone to see...and then the hope is that we will remain stupid and think, "Oh yeah...he didn't say that..."
His wife completely plagiarized major chunks of her speech for the Republican National Convention last summer from her predecessor's speech years before. Verbatim...side by side screen shots and it is word for word...not once giving credit for who said it before her...and there are no
We have Congressmen just making decisions along their own party lines and just not listening to their constituents. Many of my friends have found their voice and are making calls to their Congressmen and women, saying words like NO...rethink this vote...redo this or that...don't undermine this...and it seems that some of these folks paid to represent their state, just turn a blind eye, in pursuit of their parties agenda or their own personal agenda for advancement.
I know that there are numerous examples of this all over the place, on both sides of the aisle, on every corner of our world, but in the past, folks lost their jobs, lost their degrees, lost their integrity over this issue. As it should is lying, it is despicable, and it is ridiculous. However, there is no sign of a push for accountablility ever happening in our current situation...the comments are just pushed under the rug and denied or wished away and it never happened...or thinking it will just go away in a few days...
But it is more concerning to me now more than ever...being a teacher promoting respectful interaction between speech competitors and building solid honest performances amongst my team members...
My question is this...with our children watching, our students paying close attention to every word that is being said by our leaders, by our parents, by our teachers...where is the line? Where is the accountability for your words and your actions? What is to stop our students from completely plagiarizing their term papers, their performances, their speeches, being called out on it, and responding with...well if our current leader, his wife, or Congressperson or mayor or preacher or parent can get away with it, then I should be able to as well. And there is absolute truth in that student's statement. They are correct. If we are now not accountable for what we say and how we say it...then what is this environment going to become down the road?
Words do matter folks.
Choose them wisely.
Words can hurt.
Words should be used to uplift, to direct and encourage, and to cause folks to think deeply.
Words can provide you an avenue on how to live your life by showcasing your dreams or just how you want to live your life...
I have chosen words in the past centered on how I choose to live my life...I have thought about these and find great importance in these words and it is my hope that when I die, these words/phrases would come to folks' mind when they describe me:
Passionate about life
Constantly searching for Connection & Meaning
Promoter of Love for ALL
Cheerleader for the Arts
Flawed but kind
It is my hope that we figure this all out before true damage is done upon the world in which we live...but all points to all of this being for naught and all too late. I sincerely hope not and hope we can rectify the damage that has been done when this is all over...
The world will tell you how to live, if you let it.
DON'T let it.
Take up your space.
Once you have found your voice, raise it up!
Find your own words and stand up for what you truly believe in.
Sing your song from the top of your lungs.
Make your voice count.