Monday, March 2, 2020

Weak and in awe.

Just gonna think out loud here for awhile...

I feel inadequate when I am around men. Especially strong, cocky men. I always have. I feel weak and often go inward around them. Those men that overcompensate their strength, their masculinity, their aggressive nature have always made me feel weak and inept.

Yet in awe.
To exude such strength  and swagger and confidence. That truly is what this is about. CONFIDENCE.

To be overcompensating for everything is really a turn off...and yet it is perceived as strength.

I have never felt much like I fit into the masculine side of the human race and I have said this before.

Whenever I am on unsure footing, when life has thrown too many curve balls, when I am tired, I lose sight of the confidence I have gained the older I have gotten. I have allowed others to walk over me, to talk down to me, to break my stride and for that, I am giving myself GRACE and reminding myself to be kinder to myself.

Also gently reminding myself to STAND UP.
Stand back up, brush off, and remind myself that I AM ENOUGH.

Keep working on your inner spirit. Keep growing inwardly and outwardly it will show.

I may not have large muscles, but I am strong.
I may be emotional, but that is NOT a symbol of weakness...that is kindness and love in action.