Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Poetic and Profound

I had mentioned my lesson plan surrounding the performances of Marina Abramovic and her performances with her lover of 12 years, Ulay. They had had such a tumultuous relationship while they performed together. Their relationship had to be built on trust and the power of what they wanted to accomplish together, what they wanted their performances to SAY to their audiences.
When they decided to part ways, they went the most extreme route they could possibly go and reached out to the Chinese government to request access to walking the Great Wall of China. After months of waiting from the Chinese government, they finally were allowed to begin their walk...one from each side...it took them both almost 3 months of walking through treacherous terrain only to meet in the middle and shake hands and part ways...never to speak or see each other again.
This was in 1988.
Very poetic, if you ask me.
Very over the top.
Very romantic even until the very end.
But also extremely sad. 
To never see each other again. Never to speak. Never to share art like they had shared again.

In 2010, Abramovic created an art installation at the MOMA in New York City called "The Artist is Present" where she sat across form her guests in silence and looked them directly in the eyes and shared deep moments of connection with each of them. Watch what happened when Ulay reappeared for her opening night...

Wasn't that amazingly beautiful?

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