Monday, January 8, 2024

In it for the right reasons...

 The older I get, the more I find myself stepping back and taking in what is going on around me. I sometimes look back on my past and shake my head. It used to be such a whir of movement...the next directing gig, the building of the resume for the big job ahead, the focus on what was around the corner. I think at the time, I was in it for some of the right reasons, but also not paying attention to making sure folks felt like they were getting all of my focus. I feel bad about that.

What I have learned today is...STOP. Breathe and be present. Make the most of each and every moment as it presents itself. And be PROUD of who you are today and what you have accomplished.

There are always going to be folks, who will present themselves in a way that is clearly being  "in it for the wrong reasons" and to them, I say God Bless. Folks who are always about themselves, or presenting themselves in a certain manner and doing things in another way that negates what they represent, and for that, I just don't have the patience. Whether it is the accolades, pretense, or the kudos and the constant need for praise, one has to come to the realization that you are not going to be able to change them, but you also cannot live their live experience for them and those are life lessons they are gonna have to learn for themselves. It comes from some insecurity and believe me, it has taken a long time for me to recognize that in myself as well and attempt to adjust it.

When you are asked to do a job, do it well. Do it knowing that your own name and brand will be on it and be proud of the product you are putting out there, at all times. And make sure that each person you interact with feels like they have 100% of you...your focus, your attention, your shoulder. And I KNOW I have been GUILTY of not doing that in the past and feel great regret at that fact. What was the cost? This is a huge lesson learned, my take it for what you may...

Folks will say this or say that about me and I have learned, on some level, to stay on my own course and not allow other's opinions to get the best of me...if at all possible. Speak up for myself and my accomplishments when needed, but always take a higher road towards humility and connection and putting my very best out there. Knowing, on some levels, I cannot control other's opinions of me so I just keep pushing forward in a mode of kindness and love first and foremost, navigate the ups and downs and curves life throws at me the best I can, and apologize when I know I have been wrong. Build connection where I can and pay attention at all times to life's ups and downs. For for God sake, don't shy away from the the difficult conversations when you know you can say something to help.

And for all things even higher and holier, try not to focus on regret for the choices I have made in the past. Make amends where you can, but also give yourself grace in knowing that your past is your past and there may be things you needed to do, because that was the mode you were in when you were in the thick of it all.

Carry on...

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