Saturday, November 3, 2012


My name is Annelle Boufay and I have hijacked Branden's blog. He left his computer laptop thingy open and I thought I would put my own werds down here.
I have known Branden fer about 10 years. I stopped in fer his one man singy show back in 2002 on my way from Huntsville, Alabama on my way to stardom in Television City. I hopped in my 1974 avacado green Ford LTD named Lou-Ester and put my Tanya Tucker 8-track and hit the road. I had decided I was gunna drive cross country and try out fer The Price Is Right in the hopes of meeting my one true love, Bob Barker.

It has always been a dream of mine to be a Barker Beauty. I have dreamt of so many ways for him to use that microphone thingy of his. I just want to get down to Contestant's Row and win my Price-in-Game, get me up on stage, and be able to stick my hand into that coat pocket a his and wisper sweet nothings in his ear.
Course, nowadays there have been so many changes on the Price is Right. Drew whats his name has stolen the show from my one true love and then I see that this has heppend.

I cannot believe they have allowed MEN to be the next beauties. I mean come on, they are purdy to look at, but when it comes to jobs, women do a better job of showing things and turning letters and flipping cards. We are purdier. I mean look at him...
So skinny and boney and that name tag on his chest just put there held up by all the chest hair underneath there. I mean can you imagine ripping that off? I perfer my mens to be chubby goodness with some love in em handles. My husband Bobby Lee Boufay loves me when we sit up on the plastic covered couch and eat our Cheezits and watch reruns of Saved By the Bell...Poor Tiffany Amber be dating Zack and loving Slater...
Yeah, I gotta thumbs up for you, Mr. Barker Beauty...Your days are numbered. I am onto you...taking jobs away from the ones who can do it right...Flipping those cards and perfectly framing those cars with those hand movements...I gott'em down and could give you a run fer your money.

well my squirrell cassarole is dingin at me. gotta go...

Don't tell Brandon bout this...I may try and get back on here again...maybe soon!!! Ya never know...

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