Sunday, May 29, 2011

All this Growing Goin on...

Here we are on Memorial day Weekend...

A chance to completely veg out....literally!

It is the predestined weekend where planting your gardens happens. A number of my friends are posting their pictures of future gardens, building amazing structures for herbs, flowers, planting much vegetation in the hopes for the fall, where they can reap the fruits of their labors. I have also heard it said that in order to have your corn to your knees by the fourth of July, you must plant on Memorial Day...and to bloom where you are planted.

But I also, it seems, see a different growing happening...all around me. We recently graduated 577 seniors from school. We have planted our hopes and dreams in them for a bright future and much successes. My Facebook account overfloweth with amazing words of love and support and I laugh at the now graduated seniors struggling with the idea of actually having the chance to call me Brandon, instead of the respectful Mr. Higdem, Mr. H, or some of my current students call me.

I am saddened at the thought of their leaving. I will miss the fist bumps, the smiles, the leadership, the jokes, the struggles...I have learned so much from them as much as I have taught them. I love that about my job! However, I can only imagine what their parents are going through. Knowing that at some point they have to allow them to branch out those proverbial wings and let them soar away. Yet, I am also so excited to see where this life leads them, the adventures they will all have, and pray for God's protective hand to guide them through the treacherous paths and the joys and freedoms of independence.

My littlest sister has announced to the family that she and her husband are moving to Wichita, Kansas for a job opportunity for Jeff. I am so excited for the opportunities ahead for them. I am freaked out by having them 8 hours away. I will miss them be so close. I am sad and excited and nervous and enthused to watch them grow and learn together. Even though this is Itsy's first time to actually move away from home, the opportunities ahead for both of them are immense on so many levels, I just pray for God's hand to guide them as well. I feel like the overprotective big brother trying to just let go and let God, which I have learned in the past, is very hard for me. But I am trying. I am experiencing the rollercoaster of emotions and just have to trust and relax and love...and BREATHE.

I grow too, it seems. I find that these roots are stronger and stronger each day. That you can indeed bloom where you are planted and that no matter where you go in life...just Breathe and trust that God's plan is always molding you into the person he wishes you to be and that you have to trust that plan. I have also learned that it is ok to send them away. It is ok to encourage and love and motivate in the hopes that those fellow journeymen will take what you have taught them out into the world to become the positive influence you have tried to be in their lives. In the hopes that they will pay it forward to someone in need.

And for this revelation, I am forever grateful!
I have found my Oprah moment for the week ahead! :)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

A reflection of my school year...

We, at North Little Rock High School, celebrate Graduation on Monday, May 23rd. I am so excited and saddened by this event. One more milestone achievement has been reached. I have loved the students from this class. I have been frustrated by the students of this class. But all this aside, the potential of this year's class is huge!! I look forward to the great accomplishments from this class...

I sit here and reflect back on my year...
The first day of school seems just like yesterday. Standing up in front of each class, handing out the syllabus, stating my expectations for the year, my classroom procedures, my expectations for good know the drill. And then we get down to the business of knowledge from a theatrical sense.

Creating the Collages in class...Throwing the green yarn to each other and stating our expectations and hopes for our year ahead...learning the true definition of "Team".

Midsummer Night's Dream...Fall Play amazing experience of creativity and trepidation. Nervousness to bring this experience to NLRHS. Will they like it? Will they "get it"? And to find that a majority of the students and faculty actually embraced the show as they did...some coming back two or three times...was an absolute shocking jolt as well as heartwarming. What I valued from this experience: working with our department faculty to bring this piece of art to the of the most creatively rewarding experiences I have had in a LONG time. Also, to be able to watch the students wrap their minds around Shakespeare?? Priceless.

To not be able to take my kids to Speech tournaments this passed year? Rough. Who knew that "going though hoops" would be so difficult at times? I was truly blessed with a wonderful Comp speech team this year. Their leadership, their creativity, their passion, all exemplary. They have provided me a wonderful amount of feedback on our year together. Wonderful ideas on how to go forward from here and for that I am grateful! I look forward to the possibilities in the next year's to be able to take my own kids to the tournaments and not have to take the ridiculous classes...

I mention "going through hoops". After Grad School,I had thought, naively so, that life was not about going through hoops and that I was thankful that those hurdles were OVER. WRONG. This year was about taking tests, passing ridiculous hurdles, all in the achievement of the title of "TEACHER". One of these moments included a classroom observation, complete with pre and post interviews about process and collaboration and parent contact and etc. My classes could not have been more supportive. I am grateful to be complete of these hoops and to not have the dark cloud looming over my head again. I can now assume the true label of "LEGITIMATE Teacher" even though I pretty much have felt this label from day one.

I look back and think of all the smiles. The fist bumps. The making of the Literacy Exam Music Video.The student standing behind me at my turning around, smiling, and asking, "Yes? Is there something you need?" The reply? "Nope just here to give you a hug!" The frustration of students not meeting deadlines. The many assignments sent to in-school suspension. The student leaders finding their own voice. Opening students eyes to social issues in our community and nation and using theatre as their vehicle voice.

It is definitely going to be a joyous occasion on Monday night. I know I will cry...that's just the emotional side of me. These kids have touched my heart and I know they will go far and do great things! I believe in their talents and abilities and know that they will be successful, if they only put their minds to it. They can accomplish the heights of greatness if only they will apply themselves.

Enjoy the fruits of this amazing class!
I am so PROUD of each and every one of you!
DO NOT Stop Believing in Yourselves!

All this talk of Rapture!!!

Recently there has been a large amount of dicussion concerning the second coming of Christ and Rapture coming to Earth. The day is today...May 21, 2011 at 6p.m.

This doomsday message has been sent far and wide by many, including Harold Camping, who has built a massive media blitz on his many websites and blogs. This 89 year old man has built a multi-million dollar extravaganza non-profit ministry centered around today, the apocalyptic prediction coming true.

Now there are a number of things that concern me about this above statement:

#1. That people have spent millions of dollars into this man's ministry. Seems he has made this "prediction" before back in 1994, which failed because of a "mathematical error". So God is now MATH? I thought He spoke to us... At any time we call upon His name? Does it not say that we here, among the faithful, will not know the time of His coming, but are to lead by a life of faith, loving your fellow neighbors, promoting peace and common good to those in need, and all the above? So then why are folks so willing to follow so blindly?

#2. Mr. Camping goes on to state that it is because of the homosexuals on Earth that the Rapture is coming in the first place. SERIOUSLY??? "Rapid acceptance of homosexuality is a tremendous sign that we are on the threshold of Judgement Day", he states, and proceeds to call San Francisco the "cesspool". Hatred and loathing and finger-pointing and judgement come from all levels Mr. Camping!! Perhaps you should look inside your own household before you wreak havoc on a world quick to follow Anti-Christs such as yourself? I do forgive you for your blindness and unwillingness to see love and beauty in all your fellow man. I forgive you for the fear and loathing you instill in those blind to see the true nature of your ways.

#3. I will not lie. It kinda saddens me that people are also mocking this event, or even the possibility thereof, by throwing parties, facebook posts, etc. Maybe I am just being to harsh? Will we mock this when the day finally does arrive?

If we truly are believers, let us just keep the blind faith, stay the course, treat each other with the love and respect we each deserve, and wait patiently for when we will be blessed to see Him again.
I have faith in God.
I believe in God. I believe he sent his Son to save us from our sins.
I have faith that He will come back, time known only to Himself, and lead us away from the world struggles to bring us back to a beautiful, loving, brighter day.

Stay the course, my friends. Stay the course.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Brandon's Book Club Entry #1

Be aware.
This book will shake you to your core.

If you don't already believe in an afterlife, where heaven is like a rainbow of colors, where everyone has wings and flies everywhere, and where our loved ones go to wait for us, after reading this book you will become a believer.

This is the story of a three year old boy who suffered from appendicitis, unbeknownst to his parents. He becomes extremely ill and is taken to hospital where he ended up having surgery. As you can imagine, his parents were extremely distraught. A few months after recovery, the young boy proceeds to tell stories, including details that only someone who had been there would be able to tell, including where his mom and dad were while he was in surgery. Descriptive details about prayers offered up, how God had answered those prayers, how Jesus sends down power to those who ask for it, how our loved ones wait for us and watch over us.
This book was wonderfully reaffirming and a blessing. I highly recommend it for those of you who continue to search for a higher message and inner peace from the struggles of life.

This young man is able to describe every detail in his very young focus. Is is truly quite extraordinary. It gives me an immense amount of faith knowing that those who have gone on before me are cheering me on, with their wings spread, sending me positive energy. I dream of the day when our paths will come back together no matter how much I miss them right now. Knowing that Jesus answers those prayers, no matter how angry they may be, no matter how selfish they may seem, he answers those prayers by sending us power and energy.

Truly a blessing... that came at the right moment in my the right time and place...

Monday, May 2, 2011

MLK Jr. Said it best...

"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives,
but I will not rejoice in the death of one,
not even an enemy.
Returning hate for hate multiplies hate,
Adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."

Truly beautiful...
Thank you Johnnie for bringing words to my feelings of the day!

I am not sure how to feel...

I have mixed emotions...
The last few days have been a whirlwind of emotions.

But it all kind of came to a head last night. With news from President Obama late last night that Bin Laden was killed by US forces, I was relieved to know that the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks was in deed dead and on his way to hell. Feeling an overwhelming peace of mind that one is found and complete.

However, then all the images came flooding back from the days in the streets in the middle of the night, of walking through a barren Times Square. The screams from the top of the stairs as the Union Station subway gates are closed behidn us with nowhere to go but forward. The falling bodies. The makeshift memorials with candles and pictures of people needing to be found. The face of the crying young man in the sweats on the Subway...the one with the garbage bag between his legs, containing his whitepowdered business suit and dress shoes sobbing into the phone, saying "I know that fireman who pushed me into the van is gone. He went on into the Towers." There are times that these images creep back into my dreams. And I feel my heartbeat race and I wake up gasping.

Then I find myself waking this morning to find the images of Americans outside the White House screaming and cheering, images of firemen sitting on top of their firetruck in Times Square as the words scroll across the screens that "Bin Laden is dead". People cheering in the streets, waving American flags, and my thoughts go to 9 years ago and the streets of another foreign country cheering and waving flags at the deaths of 3,000 innocent people and my gut cannot help but think, "Where does the flag waving for DEATH stop? When does the cheering for REVENGE and SUCCESS cease?"

This world cries for VENGENCE. I cannot help but think that Jesus would be so disappointed in this. On all levels.

I know deep down that Bin Laden would not go alive. I cannot help now but have the deep down feeling that we have not seen the end of the bloodshed...that somehow the "Eye for an Eye" is coming and that scares the hell out of me.