Saturday, May 21, 2011

All this talk of Rapture!!!

Recently there has been a large amount of dicussion concerning the second coming of Christ and Rapture coming to Earth. The day is today...May 21, 2011 at 6p.m.

This doomsday message has been sent far and wide by many, including Harold Camping, who has built a massive media blitz on his many websites and blogs. This 89 year old man has built a multi-million dollar extravaganza non-profit ministry centered around today, the apocalyptic prediction coming true.

Now there are a number of things that concern me about this above statement:

#1. That people have spent millions of dollars into this man's ministry. Seems he has made this "prediction" before back in 1994, which failed because of a "mathematical error". So God is now MATH? I thought He spoke to us... At any time we call upon His name? Does it not say that we here, among the faithful, will not know the time of His coming, but are to lead by a life of faith, loving your fellow neighbors, promoting peace and common good to those in need, and all the above? So then why are folks so willing to follow so blindly?

#2. Mr. Camping goes on to state that it is because of the homosexuals on Earth that the Rapture is coming in the first place. SERIOUSLY??? "Rapid acceptance of homosexuality is a tremendous sign that we are on the threshold of Judgement Day", he states, and proceeds to call San Francisco the "cesspool". Hatred and loathing and finger-pointing and judgement come from all levels Mr. Camping!! Perhaps you should look inside your own household before you wreak havoc on a world quick to follow Anti-Christs such as yourself? I do forgive you for your blindness and unwillingness to see love and beauty in all your fellow man. I forgive you for the fear and loathing you instill in those blind to see the true nature of your ways.

#3. I will not lie. It kinda saddens me that people are also mocking this event, or even the possibility thereof, by throwing parties, facebook posts, etc. Maybe I am just being to harsh? Will we mock this when the day finally does arrive?

If we truly are believers, let us just keep the blind faith, stay the course, treat each other with the love and respect we each deserve, and wait patiently for when we will be blessed to see Him again.
I have faith in God.
I believe in God. I believe he sent his Son to save us from our sins.
I have faith that He will come back, time known only to Himself, and lead us away from the world struggles to bring us back to a beautiful, loving, brighter day.

Stay the course, my friends. Stay the course.

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