Saturday, May 21, 2011

A reflection of my school year...

We, at North Little Rock High School, celebrate Graduation on Monday, May 23rd. I am so excited and saddened by this event. One more milestone achievement has been reached. I have loved the students from this class. I have been frustrated by the students of this class. But all this aside, the potential of this year's class is huge!! I look forward to the great accomplishments from this class...

I sit here and reflect back on my year...
The first day of school seems just like yesterday. Standing up in front of each class, handing out the syllabus, stating my expectations for the year, my classroom procedures, my expectations for good know the drill. And then we get down to the business of knowledge from a theatrical sense.

Creating the Collages in class...Throwing the green yarn to each other and stating our expectations and hopes for our year ahead...learning the true definition of "Team".

Midsummer Night's Dream...Fall Play amazing experience of creativity and trepidation. Nervousness to bring this experience to NLRHS. Will they like it? Will they "get it"? And to find that a majority of the students and faculty actually embraced the show as they did...some coming back two or three times...was an absolute shocking jolt as well as heartwarming. What I valued from this experience: working with our department faculty to bring this piece of art to the of the most creatively rewarding experiences I have had in a LONG time. Also, to be able to watch the students wrap their minds around Shakespeare?? Priceless.

To not be able to take my kids to Speech tournaments this passed year? Rough. Who knew that "going though hoops" would be so difficult at times? I was truly blessed with a wonderful Comp speech team this year. Their leadership, their creativity, their passion, all exemplary. They have provided me a wonderful amount of feedback on our year together. Wonderful ideas on how to go forward from here and for that I am grateful! I look forward to the possibilities in the next year's to be able to take my own kids to the tournaments and not have to take the ridiculous classes...

I mention "going through hoops". After Grad School,I had thought, naively so, that life was not about going through hoops and that I was thankful that those hurdles were OVER. WRONG. This year was about taking tests, passing ridiculous hurdles, all in the achievement of the title of "TEACHER". One of these moments included a classroom observation, complete with pre and post interviews about process and collaboration and parent contact and etc. My classes could not have been more supportive. I am grateful to be complete of these hoops and to not have the dark cloud looming over my head again. I can now assume the true label of "LEGITIMATE Teacher" even though I pretty much have felt this label from day one.

I look back and think of all the smiles. The fist bumps. The making of the Literacy Exam Music Video.The student standing behind me at my turning around, smiling, and asking, "Yes? Is there something you need?" The reply? "Nope just here to give you a hug!" The frustration of students not meeting deadlines. The many assignments sent to in-school suspension. The student leaders finding their own voice. Opening students eyes to social issues in our community and nation and using theatre as their vehicle voice.

It is definitely going to be a joyous occasion on Monday night. I know I will cry...that's just the emotional side of me. These kids have touched my heart and I know they will go far and do great things! I believe in their talents and abilities and know that they will be successful, if they only put their minds to it. They can accomplish the heights of greatness if only they will apply themselves.

Enjoy the fruits of this amazing class!
I am so PROUD of each and every one of you!
DO NOT Stop Believing in Yourselves!

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