Sunday, May 29, 2011

All this Growing Goin on...

Here we are on Memorial day Weekend...

A chance to completely veg out....literally!

It is the predestined weekend where planting your gardens happens. A number of my friends are posting their pictures of future gardens, building amazing structures for herbs, flowers, planting much vegetation in the hopes for the fall, where they can reap the fruits of their labors. I have also heard it said that in order to have your corn to your knees by the fourth of July, you must plant on Memorial Day...and to bloom where you are planted.

But I also, it seems, see a different growing happening...all around me. We recently graduated 577 seniors from school. We have planted our hopes and dreams in them for a bright future and much successes. My Facebook account overfloweth with amazing words of love and support and I laugh at the now graduated seniors struggling with the idea of actually having the chance to call me Brandon, instead of the respectful Mr. Higdem, Mr. H, or some of my current students call me.

I am saddened at the thought of their leaving. I will miss the fist bumps, the smiles, the leadership, the jokes, the struggles...I have learned so much from them as much as I have taught them. I love that about my job! However, I can only imagine what their parents are going through. Knowing that at some point they have to allow them to branch out those proverbial wings and let them soar away. Yet, I am also so excited to see where this life leads them, the adventures they will all have, and pray for God's protective hand to guide them through the treacherous paths and the joys and freedoms of independence.

My littlest sister has announced to the family that she and her husband are moving to Wichita, Kansas for a job opportunity for Jeff. I am so excited for the opportunities ahead for them. I am freaked out by having them 8 hours away. I will miss them be so close. I am sad and excited and nervous and enthused to watch them grow and learn together. Even though this is Itsy's first time to actually move away from home, the opportunities ahead for both of them are immense on so many levels, I just pray for God's hand to guide them as well. I feel like the overprotective big brother trying to just let go and let God, which I have learned in the past, is very hard for me. But I am trying. I am experiencing the rollercoaster of emotions and just have to trust and relax and love...and BREATHE.

I grow too, it seems. I find that these roots are stronger and stronger each day. That you can indeed bloom where you are planted and that no matter where you go in life...just Breathe and trust that God's plan is always molding you into the person he wishes you to be and that you have to trust that plan. I have also learned that it is ok to send them away. It is ok to encourage and love and motivate in the hopes that those fellow journeymen will take what you have taught them out into the world to become the positive influence you have tried to be in their lives. In the hopes that they will pay it forward to someone in need.

And for this revelation, I am forever grateful!
I have found my Oprah moment for the week ahead! :)

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