Sunday, April 23, 2017

Face your fears

The beauty of this saying is that it reminds me of that old motto: 

"If something scaring the piss out of you, you have to try it at least once." 

Dang I love that one so much!

And you know what?
Important note:
It does NOT show weakness recognizing that you are struggling and reaching out to find help... that shows that you are in tune with what you are needing at that moment, what you might be experiencing and getting the assistance you need.
That is NOT a weakness...
Why therapy has such a stigma I will never be able to understand.
Some of my hardest moments have been made maneuverable, more manageable with a little therapy to help me sort through it all.
It is NOT a weakness!

We all have fears.
We all have struggles.
We all have hurdles we have to force ourselves to go through in order to grow.
Because the minute you reach a hurdle and decide that you cannot go over it, sit down, and quit...that's just it...
Stop moving forward.
Stop growing.
Stop becoming a fuller YOU, whatever you decide that actually is in your own definition.

And it takes guts to say, "I am gonna do this. I believe in ME and I am going to figure my way through this..." 
Because I HAVE TO.
To be a better ME.

And just because it is hard...a more difficult path...should not be a run away point. You should push that chest out...get yourself into that powerful mindset,  and keep reminding yourself that you are strong enough to face this...Breathe your way through it and push forward...

For the betterment of YOU.
For the sanity of YOU.
For the growth of YOU.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Battle scars and heroes...the new normal

 In order to find true success in life, one must step outside their comfort zone, experience true vulnerability, and not shy away from the struggle.

I am struggling with the "You are never as broken as you think you are..." but I just need to give it time...

I am struggling with not feeling whole, like something is missing, feeling unsure as to what is next for me creatively, feeling unsure what the life goals should be going forward...

I constantly remind myself that over the last ten months I have had great amounts of change thrown at me...things I have had to figure out how to adjust to...and it has not been graceful in the least...

but truthfully what struggle is graceful?

I know that from here on out, life will be just be different. How can it be the same without one missing link. A dear friend told me that it is a NEW NORMAL. I love that. I can wrap my head and heart around that...

Rest assured, I will figure it out and work my way through...
Emerging stronger.
Emerging more full.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

For now...

How very true...
Life can get so overwhelming and throw so many hurdles your way to the point where you lose sight of what is important...

What I am learning...

Roll with what comes your way...
Do the very best you can in those moments...
Breathe through it if you have to.

If the tears come...roll with it.
Honor the moment.
If the giggles happen...roll with it.
Honor the moment.

You never know what will be the next hurdle placed in your path.

Be thoughtful, thankful, and grateful, with the love and support as it comes...sometimes it takes a great deal for people to reach out to offer their love and comfort.
And never forget to return the favor.

Honor YOU first and foremost.
It is not self-ish.
It is preserving.
If you cannot honor and love yourself first, 
how in the heck can you allow others in whole-heartedly?
(Cue RuPaul's Drag Race theme music)

How can you expect to live your life to the fullest 
while you are trying to direct everyone else around you...
it just brings unneeded and unwanted energy and emotions your way
that you could seriously be directing towards your own goals and life path...
It's their life to lead, you don't have the time to be directing everyone else's life course, 
when you should just be directing your own life...
Just plain tiring...
You do YOU.

It's all about preserving your own energy and light towards what nurtures your own soul first and foremost.
Then make sure you focus your sight towards what is next on the list of importance.
Never forget the order of your life's circle of importance.
Family and friends will be there, even when you say no to things...
Its okay to say no.

Surely there is something I am preparing for...
Something I am meant to go through these past months for...
I feel like I will come out of this a stronger, more centered individual...
and for that I am grateful.

But it sure hurts like hell on this journey...

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Gentle goes it...

I was not prepared.
So I decided to get out of the apartment last weekend to do some some know the usual...
I decided to go to Barnes and Noble book sellers and get some hot tea with my O magazine, walk the aisles, as one does...and
I walk around a corner and am broadsided with the Mother's Day merchandise and just felt like I was hit in the chest...
I could feel the tears just welling up in my eyes and all I could think of was...
" So we are gonna have a break down right here in the aisles of Barnes and Noble...Ok...guess so." So I just sat down in amongst the stacks and just let the tears come...
I just breathed my way through it, pulled myself together, and got up and moved forward.
This popped up on my Pinterest the next day and I thought...
How perfect...
Nothing to see here folks...just a 45 year old man crying over cool preprinted  Mother's Day envelopes to send your Mom random letters throughout the year...
No big whoop...
Just keep moving on...
And breathing...
Stay the course.
Keep the faith.
Stay positive.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Perhaps I am not GAY enough...a blog post on fitting in...

Forgive my endless going on and on...humor me...

My husband made a profound comment the other night and said something that actually has been on my mind and heart for quite some time.

Is it bad that there are times where I just don't feel GAY enough?

Cue the laughter and the said comments of La Cage and drag photos and all my past adventures...
But seriously...

What I am about to write comes from years of observation and does not mean to lump entire communities together...just personal feelings and observations of my heart...I am probably going to end up doing what I don't want to do anyway and upsetting or appearing to stereotype folks...but that is not the intention... I do not mean to be offensive but just trying to come at this from an honest place...But I am going to put on my Carrie Bradshaw stillettos and try my best to navigate my way through this...HIGHLARIOUS that the Sex in the City soundtrack just came on my IPOD.

So we must consider "What does it mean to be Gay Enough? Should we define ourselves by our sexuality?"

I just feel like I have never felt like I fit in...I was never comfortable in my own skin growing up...never fit in to Boy Scouts...never was a sports I have not found my place in this world...Theater was my one true saving grace and that has always been a wonderful mesh and emotional outlet.

But seriously... I just do NOT fit in to either the gay or heterosexual community?

I look at the gay community...This community is extremely youth oriented. I am just not young enough any more, definitely not beefy enough, not pretty enough, not catty enough, and just don't want to surround myself with all the drama and pettiness that seems to surround so much of the youth of our gay community. Our history is being lost to a younger generation. And the gay youth of today surround themselves with so much anger and hatred for each other, for whoever is in their sights, for the church and government policies...rightfully hope is that this portion of our community will find their voice and be able to express it so they can be heard...herein lies the problem...with all of the other stuff they one wants to listen to the drama...

Note:  on some levels...I am pretty passive...I am not much of a fighter...or protester...or anything and maybe I should be? I have lost this in my most recent years...Or maybe I am just in denial?? Perhaps I have lost a sense of myself...Maybe this lack of belonging has put me at a disadvantage?

I look back at my days in Omaha and being Mr. Max with such fondness...the opportunity to perform and raise money for charities I believed in...Those were wonderful days that I am particularly fond of because it was sooooooo out of my comfort zone...and I was extremely visible and VERY happy to be so. But even then...I was not into the stripping, just didn't feel comfortable in my own skin as my other brothers were wearing next to nothing and was not really about that...I wanted to be known as a live performer and created my performances as such...and thankfully the brotherhood supported me in that...Sure there was the pressure to do more of the other stuff...underwear night, stripping, etc...but I was not comfortable with that or my own skin for that matter... and was able to stay true to what I wanted to accomplish with my year...and then lets not even get into all of the drinking, the rampant need for everything to be sexual, the sweaty dancing, the drugs in dark corners, or even the staying out all night... and I just wasn't and remain to this day not that type of person. Prudish I know...I was much happier it seemed with my straight friends and struggled to find my place in a community I knew I was supposed to be a part of...

I have seen so many articles on the topic of whether or not you can be Gay and be a Christian? I am a firm believer in YES! But it too is different for everybody...depending on your own particular journey and back history. I believe that when you look at the Bible and what it teaches...Old Testament is just that...OLD. New Testament is more towards my line of thinking...and when one looks at the life Jesus lead and the credos he taught us all to live our lives is important to remember to love our fellow man as you love yourself...and to treat everyone with the same LOVE and RESPECT that you would expect in return...However, because everything tied to FAITH has used every known page in the book to make the gay community feel inferior and nasty and hateful and awful and most times continues to do so with vigor...this idea of Respect and Love and Golden Rules falls on deaf ears at times as well it should. I am so glad that there are religions finding their way towards redemption, including the Pope, and are trying to make amends with how hurtful they have been to the gay community...this too shall be a movement forward...I believe that

And then there are those who are thinking...WAIT A MINUTE...HOLY CRAP is Box-Higdem saying that he is hetero-sexual? And to those folks I calmly say the word that causes uneasiness in my stomach and turbulence in my gut...VAGINA. You take one look at me, listen to what I love and say, and you cannot help but watch the ladies clutch fall out of my mouth! :)

So maybe I am GAY enough. Maybe I am a part of something yet to be found. Maybe my life is in such a flux that I am finding that I need some sense of belonging to something greater...something bigger. Perhaps I just have not found a strong sense of community here in Bentonville to feel like I, or we, belong. I hadn't truly found that in Little Rock either though from the gay community...most friends continued to be straight and we have not found the strong circle of friends I had in Omaha and that is a kudos to those friendships that have endured.

Perhaps this is a mid-life identity and creativity crisis?

Give it time and we shall see if I feel the same...
Maybe it's just the fact that I do not fit into any sort of defining box and should take this as a compliment to my life? Who knows...

Remember this

Thursday, April 6, 2017



This speaks volumes to me on so many levels...
It's a little long video...but definitely worth a watch..
but I find it so empowering and so many bells went off like CRAZY hearing her message...

Deeply connect to others on a personal level...
Have a strong intuition that guides me through my life....
OVER-ANALYZE everything....UH...YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Overwhelmed by the world around us...
Experience the world more vividly than others...
Have a strong empathetic nature and strongly feel what others feel...

All of these spoke so truthfully to my soul...
I have always felt like this is such a negative...or it always had an undertone of negativity as I looked at it?
but perhaps that is one of the callings ahead for me...

Perhaps I need to focus on rewriting the cultural narrative that sensitivity is a weakness...
I do agree that EVERYONE should have a right and not feel ridiculed for expressing their softer side...

I even felt like I was an oddity for feeling like this at times...
Yet, I find it truthful to my heart...
I am a sensitive man.
I cry quite a bit.
I am emotional.
If you can't handle my tears...that is not my is yours.

I love that I can see the world on a deeper level...
but what I have to figure out is how to navigate my way through life so that I don't take on everyone's feelings and I definitely do that at times...
I do not have to always provide suggestions....and can just listen...which is also a problem...there are times when I feel like I need to provide suggestions on how to handle life's problems....ahhhhhh the life of a teacher...
I need to remind myself that I should not feel like I need to be the rescuer...
And I should not feel a need to be rescued.

Be unashamedly yourself...
Don't feel weird...
It's what makes you YOU!!!!!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Letting yourself be fragile...

I am having an AH HA moment and I continue to process what the book Present Over Perfect has in store for my psyche..
I am a control freak...
Unhealthily so...
...Put your giggles here...
God forbid that I appear weak...or unprepared...or not genuine...or let any anger get to me...or appear rattled...I am highly invested in maintaining my reputation as a capable person, a good son and husband, a great friend, a competent co-worker, a strong leader, a confident director and vibrant personality...
and God forbid if folks see me in a different light or differently...I am the ultimate people pleaser and God forbid that someone not like me...
I was immediately scarred and disappointed in myself...

The persona had to be glossy...

That just makes me tired reading that... and realizing how ridiculous that all seems...

I have those emotional moments...or else I would not be human... you all know I do...and I always feel like it is ok to show emotions...Men SHOULD be allowed to cry...
I have always said though that I tend more towards the feminine tendencies rather than the male side of my personality...we each have differing levels within each of us...
One of the things I am trying to learn is to let myself be fragile and kinder to myself.. and just roll when the emotions come...and this is where it gets difficult...
And with Mom's death...they sure do come...most times it was like a bulldozer...and as I get farther away from the moment that has defined my current life path...the emotions become more sneaky...but my strong sense of control and how I think others view myself as has taken over...and I need to STOP THAT.

Ideally speaking, I need to stop worrying about what others think of me. Work on myself and what I think of myself and figure out what my own identity is and should be...not dependent on what others think or believe or expect...or what I think they expect of me...

What they think should not matter...

Shauna Niequist, in Present over Perfect says, "You sit in your own skin, just being your own plain self. And it's okay. And it's changing everything."

And that shakes me to my core...I am not comfortable in my own skin... and what I want and crave most in this life I have is a life filled with love, depth, peace, and intimate personal relationships and in time find the meaning to my life...what I was called here to do...
I know there are more AH HA moments to come...