Sunday, July 8, 2018

Finding myself in the mess...

be yourself quotes

Sometimes it just gets to be too much.
Sometimes we all just need a little time reconvene with our spirit. Find our sense of self and who we are and intend to be. Sometimes it's just important to go to a coffee shop and put those headphones on and decompress. Put on some jazz music and journal or read or sit and drink in the hot coffee and enjoy the solace.

Life gets so busy.
Life gets so hectic.
Life gets so...
well, you know.
And some folks can get lost in this hum, this struggle.
We lose our way.
We lose sight of the path, the course we are on and forget.

Sometimes it requires help to get back on track.
If that's what it takes, that is what you have to do.
And it is OK.
Never judge that help, from wherever it comes.
And try hard not to get down on yourself for needing to reach out.
The other option is so much worse...for yourself and for those around you.
Who love you.
Who want you to be your very best.

Sometimes we forget what our life's goals were because of this rat race.
And it is so easy to forget.
It is so easy to lose sight and get caught in a spiral.
Life happens.
Trauma Happens.
Laughter Happens.
And it is easy to forget yourself in all of this.
When life throws you a curve ball, take time to just pause. Time to evaluate where you move from here and what is the course you are going to take.

Don't wallow for too long.
It is easy to drag yourself down, get lost in sadness and darkness and angst and such.
Reach out.
Someone will be there to grab ahold of your hand before you sink fully under.

Find yourself again.
Take time to find out what you really are passionate about and RUN.
Reconnect to your inner vitality and laugh.
Giggle at your childlike spirit and JUMP into your next project with abandon.

It's going to be okay.
You got this.
And just regroup.

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