Sunday, July 25, 2010

Traditionally it is PAPER!

For the first time in my life, I have someone in my life who fully completes me,
someone who knows my hidden secrets but looks beyond to the big picture.
For so many years, I spent my life running and running
and running.
From life.
From rest.
Trying to grab life by the bootstraps and all the while screaming at the stars,
"WHERE ARE YOU, my Prince Charming?
Why can't I find that right true person who brings me joy and bliss?
Where is my one true love?"
All the while, never realizing that it would take a higher power encouraging a move to a new part of the country, finding a new adventure,
to find you.
I have seen your smile in the dark.
I have felt your wink from across the room.
I have watched you chase my neices and nephews all through the house.
And I can finally dream.
I can finally hope.
I can finally love with all my heart...
and never look back...
Thank you for being you.
Thank you for your love and for giving me your heart.
I love you with all of mine.

1 comment:

Goldfish said...

Congrats Brandon and Justin! So happy for you both! :-D

LOTS of love!