Monday, January 3, 2011


So I have just returned from a wonderful trip to Fargo for the holidays...

I always enjoy being with my family in Minnesota. Always brings amazing experiences, lots of laughter, shopping at Macy's, bits of tears when it all ends, and new adventures are always assured.

This trip was no exception.

~A perfect smile from nieces and nephew.

~The tasty hot toddy over excellent conversation.

~Hugs and cheek kisses abound. Playing plane and twirling around in the warmth of the Christmas tree lights. Childlike giggles and smiles. "Again! UNCLE!!"

~Frost on the window and two blizzards. 2 Interstates locked down to no travel almost statewide. Lots and LOTS of snow. Shoveling.

~Time with Mom. Sitting on the couch to watch NCIS marathon. Dominoes and cribbage.

~SNOWPOCALYPSE: 100 car pileup on the Interstate. Jack-knifed semis. Cars crunched. Heavy amounts of snow swirling around abandoned shells of cars. Talk of people's of folks wearing Bermuda shorts into the storm, driving drunk in heavy snowfall, driving around barricades. SERIOUSLY??? Damn, people are stupid!!!

~And yes there is a LARGE amount of snow! The reports are saying that the snow levels are an inch below the levels before meltdown of the 1997 Fargo/ Red River flood. ONE INCH!!! And it is January!! That is just crazy!!!

~For those of you out there who actually read this blog, you may not be able to fathom what that looks like... When Steve and Mom took me to the airport on Sunday, we drove passed drifts that were taller than the suburban we were driving. It is CRAZY!!!

What I am most thankful for, besides family, conversation, and laughter? The blizzard forces one to just sit tight, forces you to relax and forces you to veg out! You have nowhere to go and I love that!! I got so much done! I read The Hunger Games (highly recommend), reread The Elephant Man (Fell back in love) and got semester test essays graded. I got re-acquainted with Ellen, Oprah, TODAY, the View, and Regis and Kelly.

The rat race began again today and I feel rejuvenated and revitalized! THANK YOU for a wonderful stay and a week of peace and contentment.

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