Friday, January 7, 2011

Somethings never change.

Perception: What is it?

We spend all of our younger lives trying to please everyone around us, trying so hard to please those folks who molded us, by getting good grades, bringing home the right person, listening to our peers on who is cool,who to hang out with...It all seems so awkwardly self-centered, with our enclosed view...not looking much passed our own home.

I remember the days when all of the old folks label us as "those young kids". I remember feeling that at my tender age I could not be taken seriously. I had dreams and goals at the age of 18. Who in their right mind was going to take me seriously, to envision what I had in mind and run with? Who in their right mind would even think of taking an 18 year old seriously.

During my tenure thus far as a "high school" teacher, I had thought that a majority of my students have this closed minded, "my entire world revolves around the friends I hangout with" mindset, the school walls that CONFINE me, the video games I play, and are entirely afraid to think outside the box and try new things. I have found that only part of this is true.

This passed week, my students have been learning about perceptions, how we form our views, what outside influences truly are in our lives, and how we view different topics. They are encouraged to express their opinions both on their own lives as well as worldly events and later on in the unit they will begin to formulate a performance dealing with social issues. How do we use the theatrical format to educate those around us?

After numerous discussions with my students, I could not be more mistaken on certain assumptions. So in check, my perceptions of today's student is wrong. Yes they do have problems expressing themselves outside of their comfort zone. I still struggle with my students using their own creative licence, writing in vivid detail, and using their creative imagination. Almost like they have lost their childlike vision for more adult responsibilities. It kind of makes me sad.

My students struggle with more responsibilities today. Having to be more like adults all the time. They have very adult views. Very adult discussions. And struggle with the very idea of what we all struggled with when we were their age. At the age of 18, how can I be taken seriously?

I am very excited about the next semester with my students. I am enthused to hear their views and help them find their own voice. I am excited to hear what they have to say!!

You can be assured...more to come...

1 comment:

JaNene Dorsett-Koch said...

Great insight Brandon! Keep it coming!