Wednesday, February 2, 2011

And the debate continues...

My kids in my Advanced drama class continue to make me extremely proud. How is it that a group of 30 kids from last fall, who in my mind's eye, had been labeled as Heathens and Loud-mouths and "THAT CLASS" can now turn around in the Spring of our year and bring me such joy and excitement?

I have found that they have the most amazing insight into things that are going on around them. As I had previously spoke about, this class is in the middle of a unit on Theatre for Social Change. I began the class with this basic statement: You are going to put together a 10-15 minute presentation on an issue that you think needs to be brought to the minds of America's children for the purpose of learning and discussions. I don't know what the end product could be, that is up to you. I could see this as a live presentation. I could see this as a filmed movie. I expect you to work together and have set you due date as follows. You are to create characters, come up with a theme, and present it in a fashion that middle school kids will understand. GO!

And from there, I have not ceased to be absolutely blown away. The video I have added right before this entry is of a young man in IOWA named Zach Wahls and is probably one of the most eloquent speakers I have seen in a long time... with the exception of the I have students, just like Zach, in my Advanced Drama class...and for him and them I consider myself to be the luckiest man in the entire world.

Zach's words give me hope. My student's views give me great solace for I know that change is inevitable...we just have to help them find their voice and teach them to shout it from the rooftops...that THEY CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. That they CAN be raised in a family with gay parents and CAN make a profound impact on those around them and in the world. It does not matter if you are gay or straight, black or white, gifted and talented or special needs, we all CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE in someone else's life or in the life of our country...

What scares me is that someone has the "right" to dictate how others can be labeled "second rate" or "not equal". Perhaps "Marriage" is the wrong term. Perhap "civil unions or partnerships" is better choice. Whatever term they decide to choose, I just want the civil liberties that other folks in this coutry receive...those of life, liberty, and the pursuit of a bridal registry...or adopt. I refuse to be second rate. I am not sick for yearning for love. I am lovesick!!

I for one would someday like to be able to bring a young one into this world. I want to know that they will turn out just like Zach. Proud, strong, smart, kind, respectful, and willing to stand up for what they believe in. Willing to make a difference in someone else's life and not afraid to speak their mind. We need more like Zach and my students in this world...

It is a PROUD time in my life.

I am so very grateful for this day and the days ahead.

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