Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Just let me teach...

It is all I have ever wanted to be...
I just want to teach...
I just want to watch the light bulb go on when a child finally "gets it"...
I just want to coach a child to success, in whatever form that may come in...
I just want to put away all of the paperwork, the politics, the wondering what the weather will be, the backhandedness, the struggle for power and just get down to the business of educating minds...

Who knew that there would be so much ELSE in this vocation we call education?
Not me, that's for sure!!
But you do take the good with the bad and you just persevere.
You push on through for the good of the child and for the good of the program.
But there are times...

Why can't it be like my "up and coming" directors and playwrights who have more creativity, vision, and verve in their little finger than I EVER thought or dreamt to have? In my classes, I have aspiring conductors and composers, up and coming business people, visionaries, creative souls who weave stories like there is no tomorrow. I can look out over my classroom each day and just see the potential rise off the masses. They are so strong!!! I can feel that and I love love LOVE that!!! That is what drives me to come to work, excited and willing to put in the long hours each day for the good of each and every student. Seeing that potential and knowing that if it is cultivated, it will grow into a something pretty amazing!

That is what teaching is for, dear friends. To be able to assist an aspiring playwright in weaving their story from beginning to the end, seeing the potential of the plot in play or movie form and know that the drive and potential is there to go so far is exciting and exhilarating.

Why can't I just be allowed to teach and forget all the rest?
Ah what a wonderful place that would be...

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