Sunday, February 3, 2013

The passing of childhood...

One of those hard to take milestones...
Watching your friends lose their parents...
Rough to take...
In a matter of months, I have watched two friends go through the loss of their fathers. It is so jarring, especially when you spend your life thinking your parents are invincible.

You know that they are there to support you through the rough patches and the joys of your life. You connect with them on such a deep level.

They are the ones who literally brought you into this world, crying when you reached for the first light. They are the ones who bruised your behind when you did wrong, still crying deep inside while you sobbed and sobbed, knowing you had done wrong.

They are the ones who cheered you on when you stood in the limelight and took that first step toward performing in front of the relatives, saying, "Come on, sing for Grandma." Believing that you would go much MUCH farther. You know deep down that you are invinceable in their eyes and for that you too are much stronger.

They are the ones who do eventually grey around the edges. All of a sudden you turn around, walking around that corner one day and BAM... they are grey, more fragile yet still full of vitality, more beautiful in their years and for that you are grateful.

They are the ones who eventually do retire. They are the ones who shift their focus to sleeping in, playing golf, and being a mentor for the younger generation. They are the ones who road trip every winter, road trip every summer, and hang out with the girls for a leisure Friday lunch.

They are the ones who struggle with reappearing cancer. They shake you to your core as you try to be strong and support...Lord knows they have supported you your entire life. You want to cry but you know that it is better to be strong and cry behind the closed doors of your own bedroom.

They are the ones that the community looks up to. That the younger generation looks up to. That your fellow man looks up to. They are the ones who set the traditions and maintain it. They are the ones who kiss the boos boos and know just the right thing to say.

What happens when that is all wiped away in one single stroke? What then? I am grateful for the time I have NOW. I am grateful for the time that is LEFT, whatever that may be. But am I prepared for what lies ahead? Are any of us? Probably not... But we should take each moment for what it is and enjoy the time we do have.

Both of my friends have entered this stage of their lives with grace and love and strength, it is my prayer that I can do the same.

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