Wednesday, July 2, 2014

A reflection back on the bucket list from 5 years ago...

So I went back into blog stratosphere and found the bucket list I had typed in here...
I found it interesting that there are a few things I have been able to cross off and am in the process of crossing a few off as we speak...
Here's what I wrote from back in 2009...

"I am going to be 40 in about two and half years and I would absolutely love to travel overseas and be in Paris when that milestone rings in. I have never been overseas and feel it would be absolutely perfect to reach such a milestone doing something I have never ever done before. And to be there with some of my closest friends would be wonderful, too... (DONE)

Let see, what else would be on that list...
2. Travel to London
3. Skydiving
4. Take an Alaskan Cruise and see the whales
5. See the musical Jersey Boys
6. Play the role of Archibald Craven in The Secret Garden
7. Play the role of Harold Hill in The Music Man
8. Play the role of Sweeney Todd in Sweeney Todd
9. Travel to Rome (DONE)
10. Sing with an orchestra (DONE- thank you Emily)
11. Record a CD for sale
12. Write a book. Maybe publish? (About to begin the process)
13. Have a child.
14. Build my own home and be able to design it the way I would like it...a dream home, if you will.
15. See the fall colors of New England
16. Rock climb
17. Parasail in the Carribean
18. Be remembered for being a good man.
19. Grow Muscles. (still waiting...though my waist line grows more than my arms)

I do think however, that as I look at his thoughts and a perspective have changed a bit on some of these as life has thrown curveballs at me as life is wont to do at times. And it seems that the life's bucket list has been added to.

In regards to #13- I think that while having children would be amazing, I also have to take into account my age, our surrogate's age at the timeframe we are actually realistically looking at, and the fairness to the child...I am beginning to think that it is not fair to our child that when they are looking to head off to college, Dad would be retirement age...I don't know. Maybe this will change...One of the things I have been embracing more is an idea of adoption and welcoming a young soul into our house and hearts who needs a home. SO we shall see where this one leads...

I would say adding to this list is more so an adventure...
20. Go hiking in Colorado...Get a few mountain shots...
21. Visit Greece and the ruins...see the origins of theatre.
22. Visit Scotland and Ireland someday...Maybe this one could go along with #2?
23. Reconnect with my post graduate school roots...I was much more focused on a particular dream and vision and have not necessarily lost sight of it but have had a life redirection....perhaps it is time to get back on track somehow with that idea for my life's work?
Perhaps it is time to refocus and get life on track towards that other dream?

24. Direct the musical Memphis.
25. Direct the musical Cabaret.
26. Direct the play Angels in America.
27. Revisit the Badlands. Reconnect with what I remember from those days...perhaps this is broader scale sort of thing and it is a road-trip to reconnect with my childhood?
28. Film a commercial. That actually runs...That gets paid...That would be cool.
29. I still would love to create a one man concert with a symphony as well...and be all Bernadette a moment of holding that note out to the end and throwing my arms straight out from my sides , throw my head back on the cut-off of said note, and the spotlight illuminates me from behind...

Doesn't hurt to dream right??

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