Sunday, November 2, 2014

10 Sentences that can CHANGE your Perspective on life

10 Sentences That Can Change Your Perspective on Life quotes so true cute

Many of these speak to me on such a prfound level...
So many words and phrases scream out at me
"See the world"
"Failure builds character"

I think that the slide which states, "The most dangerous risk of all- the risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet that you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later." speaks the deepest to me...
How sad...
It's like placing goals in your future, 
Putting off taking those trips...
Putting off crossing off bucket list content...
All while not doing what you really love...
Thinking that someday
I will have all the time in the world to be able to do this or that...
I have seen the hurt. I have seen the family saying goodbye when it was time...but there were so many things we needed to say, needed to do, wanted to experience.

Do it NOW.
Experience it now.
Be in the NOW.
Be in the moment and stay focused.
Stand by the edge of the lake and listen to the silver moon whisper "Yes"
(a line from my favorite poem...the Invitation)

Life is an invitation friends...
Saying live it all now cause tomorrow may not be an option.

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