Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Tough commercials...

It is tough to see the cancer medication treatment commercials out on the television waves...all these coming out so quickly after my Mom's life was completed and I can't help but think, " Where the hell was this drug when Mom was going through her chemo? Why was this offer not in the mix?"

And I just get frustrated ...
And seeing it just makes me so sad...

And the irony is that the commercial speaks of all the horrible side effects, as most of these types of commercials do, and what to expect while on the drug...yet we see a virtually healthy example of a woman going out jogging, having a basically busy day...and now I know that that is complete bullshit. It is so far from the truth of chemo and the backlash of what treatments entail. It is so dishonest.

But we cannot show the truth of the treatment. God forbid.
We cannot show the effects of cancer.
We cannot show the slow wasting away.
We cannot show the loss of hair, the sickness, the greyness and sallow skin color, the fluctuation of energy and loss of strength.
We cannot show the struggle to get up, to breathe, or to just feel better.
We cannot show the truth because no one would want to know the actual truth of it all.

I understand that this particular drug helps on many levels.
I guess my frustration just blows up, wishing that this was on the table and available for my mom. Perhaps it would have changed where we are today...

One more hurdle to get over, I guess.

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