Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Find your inner superhero

For those of you who know my husband, you know that he has an amazing knowledge of comic books, video games, and super heroes. Over our 11 years together, he has hooked me in so the movies and leaves me in awe every time he goes into the chronoligical order of how each superhero came to be, and the adventures they each faced, and how they died. I even know that all I have to do is say the words, "The movie LOGAN sucked." and it gets and immediate response.
I have always been intrigued as to why superrheroes, other than the bulging muscles and the hot, tight pants and cape. You knew I had to go there, friends, right? But why are we so intrigued by super human power. By the need to be saved. The concepts that these superheroes possess and what would happen if we could indeed fly and perform super heroic acts to save the world.

I think it is important to look at some of the attributes super heroes possess and perhaps see a need to dig deeper to include these in our day-to-day lives? Just a thought...

The first is strength. 
Super human or not.
Digging deep to find the strength to get through the tough times. To know that you CAN do this with or without someone's approval or assistance. Knowing that you have within you the strength to face any hurdle, as hard as it might seem and will emerge on the other side a different human. And that it is okay.

The second is Believing in YOURSELF.
No one else can do this for you.
You have to figure out the way and trust yourself to get there.
Super heroes always find a way to beat their villain enemies, no matter how strong they are, or what ungodly monstrosity of weapon they bring, the super hero is always the one standing in the end and they don't doubt that that will be the end outcome.
Failure is not an option.
The world is depending on you.

The third is discipline and perseverance.
Knowing that in order to get the goal accomplished, 
you have to have the drive, the guts, the know-how to take the first step forward and the perseverance to keep walking forward one step at a time.
Setting the goal out in front of you and taking the first step.
and the second.
and the third.
and onward and upward.

And last, is a network of superhero friends who assist you in the end goal.
Remember that you are not alone in this adventure.
That you so have friends who support you in your journey and that they have lots of powers and connections to guide you in your own battle or life's race.
And that it is not a sign of weakness, this learning how to work together to achieve a common goal.

You have to learn to embrace your inner superhero.
Don't allow it to encompass you however, you have to find that balance.

Oh and don't forget a fabulous costume.
With some tight pants.
And a cape.
And some hot red high heeled go go boots.
And maybe a mask...

Too far?

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