Sunday, July 7, 2019

How's that working for you?

Stuck in a rut?
Feel like the mouse in the spinning wheel and just running and running and running and running and running and going absolutely nowhere?
Saying over and over that you are gonna tackle that next hurdle?
Procrastination Station?

Reaching out to those around you seeking advice and then not taking the feedback to heart?

I think a very important reflective question we need to ask is the above...
And sadly, Dr Phil beat me to it... but...

How's that working out for you?

Sometimes it is just important to PAUSE.
Take a deep breath.
And reflect on how everything is going...
Make adjustments and changes accordingly...

And sadly...
It's all about life choices.
Choosing one thing will limit or define other aspects of life...and vice versa
and the hard part is this friends...
We do have to choose.
Because even NOT choosing...
Is a Choice.

But making the choice to change is a huge turning point
And inspiring.
And scary.
And numbing.
And exhausting.

But if something is not working in your life, you have to take the risk, and say to yourself...
This is not working for me.
How do I fix this?
Deciding to do what actually will work for you takes inner strength, where-with-all, and courage.
And as my husband says, "Not sticking your head in the sand and thinking that it will all pass."
It won't.
It will just get pushed aside only to come back later with a vengeance.

Getting out of your comfort zone is also something scary but can bring great benefits!! And take you down a path you may not have even known was there!
Thinking outside the Box -pun intended-is always scary yet when you get to the other side and look back on your journey, it truly can be awe-inspiring...
and liberating.
and bring you great joy.

And friends...
It's not all wine and roses.
I know this...
But perhaps it is time to think through those next steps.
Perhaps it is time.
I can feel a new adventure beginning...
Not sure what it all means...
But I am going at this...
with new eyes.
with an open heart.
and open to the possibilities.

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