Monday, June 21, 2010

A really cool text message...

SO I am trying to get into the 21st century...I blog. I text. I Facebook. I do not tweet. It is important not only for me, but also for my students to know that I am staying ahead of the times for them.

But I have had a moment this morning, while texting my dear friend Jason that I received this text from him. " God works in mysterious ways. And you are finally happy."

How profound...

What makes me happy?

Last night Justin and I were hanging on the couch, watching "Lemminy Snickets" with Blaine Garrett and all I could think was...this is contentment.

Yesterday was Father's Day. Dinner with some of my family...this is happiness.

Hearing your niece's voice on the phone...knowing that you get to see her soon...that puts a spring in my step. Sydney is putting huge phrases together and I cannot wait to see her and Gage, Chloe, and Grace in one week! There will be so many changes as we have had time away from each other.

I am on vacation in one week with Justin. We are heading see friends and family from many years. To Kansas City to spend time with Jason. To Omaha to see lots of friends and family and to get a tattoo!!! Then on to Fargo to spend lake time with Mom and Steve and family. Drive cross state to Medora to see the musical and hang with my dear friend Emily, who is co-hosting in the show this year!!! It seems like forever since I have been back there...maybe 11 years? I cannot wait to share this experience with Justin...take him on a hike in the Badlands.
And then on to Bismarck for my 20 year high school reunion! Where did that time go? It has flown by and so many life experiences. I am looking forward to seeing old friends and finding out what has been going on in their lives.

So yes...
I am happy.
I am very content.
And I am so blessed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And his dear friend, Emily cannot WAIT to see him, because being with B makes her very happy and content!!! Mwahhhh!!!