Saturday, June 30, 2012

The look of politics...

There is no way on God's green earth you could ever get me to consider politics as a possible future for me!

There is so much crap that goes down during an election...from the mudslinging, to the fear mongering, to the  negativity, to the false words, to the he said/ she saids. It just gets old SO quickly! Why would anyone subject themselves to all of that? You could not PAY me enough to do that job!

Perhaps I feel this way because of the fact that it is a Presidential election year. Perhaps not... Every election has always the same tone, same rhetoric, same speeches, same fear, the same "I am here for the common man" and then somehow they get lost in the Washington Shuffle.

And I think that is EXACTLY what it all is...The Washington Shuffle.

I stay away from political discussion as much as I possibly can, especially with family. We just don't see eye-to-eye on different issues. I don't claim to be Democrat. I don't claim to be Republican. I vote for who I believe is the best man or woman for the job. I don't care about an elephant or an ass. Who do I believe is going to do the best job?

Now let me just say...I do not like to discuss politics. I will not request a discussion concerning the things I am about to say on here. I will delete comments that instigate any type of discussion or negativity or a party-line chit chat. But I am revealing who I am voting for this November and it is purely on a man's actions recently.

I am so thankful that a sitting American President has seen fit to say that I am a human being, that I count, and that I should have the same rights as any other American citizen.  It has never happened in America, because no one has had the heart, the gumption, the where-with-all,  to stand up for US.

 In a world where "holy" people are now using their pulpits to say we are unholy, unfit, insane and should be corralled into cattle cars and sent to concentration camps behind electric fences. AND teach their 5 year old kids to stand up in front of their congregations and sing their hateful praises, turn around, and say, "I just don't know where they would learn something like that?" an apology or a defense...

In a land where uncles can send political propaganda, in the name of HUMOR, and target their nephews with hateful bullshit, entitled, "Why I am Voting Democrat" and the first statement on the list states, " I should be able to marry whomever I want so I am going to go ahead an marry my German Shepherd." I am completely DISGUSTED by that!

In a world where if something would happen to a partner of many years, the family can swoop in, deny any rights to the surviving partner,  and take over all functions, family issues, etc. With no rights given to the surviving partner...and they are JUSTIFIED in doing so! SERIOUSLY?

By the Way...I did respond to that uncle...I told him that I am completely offended by the fact that he felt the need to target his nephew in the name of humor...or maybe it wasn't humor...who knows...who cares...damage is already done. I went on to tell him that for the first time in my life, an American President has stood up for MY rights as a US citizen, as a human being, and has said that I am NOT a second class citizen as I, and those in my community, have been treated. I have rights and he has stated that those are the certain inalienable rights our forefathers gave to EVERYONE! That ALL men are created equal...that we have the rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness... And most importantly...the right to a BRIDAL REGISTRY!

And that is why I will cast my vote for this President. It is VERY clear where the other candidate stands...He might as well just go ahead and say that the barbed wire is going up and the electricity will be turned on very shortly...

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