Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Be Here Now...

Such an absolutely powerful message... I came across this documentary preview and was so moved. In the sight of recent events with some of my family member's lives, this message speaks so true to me. My heart goes out to my sister, brother-in-law and his parents, who are dealing with the sudden loss of his brother. There is no amount of support, love, prayers, anything that can take away the hurt, pain, and loss they are feeling right now. And even though this is no where near the same situation, as Andy had time to prepare and fight the cancer in his body...the theme rings true...Be here and now for we never know what tomorrow holds for us...

We only have moments together on this Earth.  Something my mom said to me yesterday rings true, "We only have today as tomorrow is not guaranteed."

It's those moments when his children excitedly run into their daddy's arms that move me to tears...to know he is now gone...losing his struggle to the cancer that had riddled his young body...What is so shaking to me is that he was younger than I am.

"In my mind, this is right where I am meant to be...supposed to be right here and now...keeping yourself open to the journey and the new discoveries and the adventure of all of it...Be Here Now is all about being present and not fearing what you don't know.

Thank you, Andy, for your powerful message and for showing us the power of the human spirit. The drive to win is to prevalent and your strong example and willingness to share your journey is so moving for me and one I will not forget.


brian w said...

This looks incredibly moving and sad. Be here now. What a great life mantra.

AfavoriteEnglishteacher said...

Thank you Brandon, for passing this along. A young man from my first class as a student teacher just lost his battle, at 19. Nothing is promised, Be Here Now is an inspirational reminder.