Sunday, August 11, 2013

Where does the time go??

Today is the day before I begin my fifth year of teaching. I am in awe of how the time flies and yet look back and see all the amazing lights that have graced my classroom walls and am in awe of all of their adventures and accomplishments. It always warms my heart when one steps back into my classroom to say help.

But what is disconcerting is that this time flew by. I guess that catch phrase is absolutely true and it is important to make the most of what time we have.

I am actually looking forward to this year very much! I am traveling more with my Forensics students. I am directing a version of Macbeth that I am very excited about which will open on Halloween. I am excited to see what my students have in store for this year. They are a VERY talented group who have within them the capacity to accomplish many great things this year on the tournament circuit. I am going to step back from directing the Spring musical, but that does not make it any less exciting. We are doing Shrek: The Musical- a HUGE technical challenge...going to be AWESOME!!!!!

We also have a brand new superintendent that I am very enthused to meet and see what he has in store for us. He is a past band director and I can sense has a strong sense of what he wants for our district. He has a vision and goals set and that makes me very excited!!

We also begin our new construction this year...with hopes that 3 to 4 years down the road we will have a brand new campus with new facilities to work in! I love that!! Gonna be a chore getting there....but I think well worth it!!

Can you sense the excitement and enthusiasm?? Ah that beginning of the year excitement...I wonder if this will be the same feeling when it comes to ten years? It is my sincerest hope...

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