Tuesday, February 4, 2014

ENDA...the next discrimination allowance in America

John Boehner, someone in American government I have never been particularily fond of, has drawn a hard line on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act and reveals that it has no likelihood of passing this year. He is going to bury this act in amongst all of the bureaucratic bulls*@t that American government is known for.

Boehner’s remarks show that he will most likely not schedule ENDA, which would provide antidiscrimination protections for LGBT workers nationwide, for a vote on the House floor in 2014. Last April the act had easily passed in the Senate with a vote of 64-32 and was brought to Boehner's chambers for the next vote. But in November Boehner was quoted stating that ENDA was “unnecessary.”

UNNECESSARY, Mr. Boehner?? So many many MANY dedicated LGBT workers across America being fired without notice, without warning, and purely for how they live their lives is unnecessary...Or who they marry in a state that recognize love... GOOD, DEDICATED, HARD-WORKING individuals being fired...

And you sir, are the head and voice of your entire party...
That is just sad.

I guess my vote for your party, for your upcoming Presidential candidate, for your conservative discriminatory rhetoric was just placed in the other column straight across the board...

WAKE UP!!!! Get off your high and mighty and let's get real. It IS happening and it IS VERY NECESSARY!!

Just plain sad...

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