Sunday, June 19, 2016

Courage. Compassion. Connection...

I think these three words encompass much of what is lacking in today's society. Our country has torn itself apart and is in the middle of the messiest months of political and personal turmoil that has ever occurred in our nations' history. We are seeing record amounts of violence and anger at political rallies...we have just been through one of the bloodiest weekends in our nation's history...these and many other events are leaving us all with that "punched in the gut" sort of feeling and just in utter least that is the best way I can describe my own personal feelings.

I think it is time to get back to our roots and reconnect with what makes each of us whole and human and interconnected.

Many folks have reached out to Justin and I over the last week or even just made a point to say something sweet and thoughtful to us concerning the tragedy in Orlando. Listen, this horrific event has nothing to do with either of us, or anyone outside of the Orlando area and yet it has EVERYTHING to do with each one of us in the gay community. It could have happened in Bismarck, North could have happened in Little Rock, could have happened in small town USA...and the reaction following the event would probably be exactly the same...

The conversations have and should be moved now towards what we can do as an entire community to ensure that this atrocity does NOT happen again. SO many of these shootings have these lapsed moments of "HOW HORRIBLE", "WHEN WILL WE HAVE GUN CONTROL?", "SO SAD" attached to every one of these horrific events in the days following...yet NOTHING is done about it and it seems like it just gets pushed under the rug and swept aside and forgotten after a certain amount of time. When will it be the RIGHT time to have these important discussions? It has become an US versus THEM society and no one is willing to listen...and blood continues to be shed...

At the very core of our society, each of us is struggling to find our voice, find our heart, find what makes each of us tick. It is not about Black or White, Muslim or Christian, Gay or is about humans trying to live together in some sort of unity and harmony, and not be inundated with FEAR tactics in order to get what the other wants. If only each of us had the courage to stand up for what we truly believe in, live our lives to the maximum, and find the strength and courage to stand in our own light and voice our concerns, I think the world we live in would be a different place.

As each of these voices is heard, I think it is also important that we learn to be compassionate and understanding. Not everyone is going to agree with you, but that does not mean that these views should not be heard and taken into consideration. Everyone's thoughts and views should be just as important and heard and valued and considered as any other views expressed. That is what the American quilt was made up of so long ago...patches of opinion and passion and diversity and thought and servitude to make it work for a better tomorrow. However, in today's society, compassion is something I think we lack. The religions of today are so different and have so many different views. How can one pastor, who says he is Christian, say that it was okay for these 49 people to be is that exemplifying Christian values and what Christ taught...and WHAT are these comments saying to America's gay youth...this saddens me greatly as this is a HUGE struggle for gay youth of today. Churches of today are experiencing a decline in membership and they wonder why... perhaps put the pieces together about what you are saying to America's youth...the voice of tomorrow...the ones who actually seem to be more understanding than those of the older generation?

Coming out is a VERY personal experience. Every person does it differently and experiences it very differently. We need to find compassion and heart to know that each person's life path is VERY different and we just do not know what they are struggling with. We need to be focused on exemplifying a CHRIST-like compassion and love each of our neighbors as HE taught us to love.

Also, I think if the world had a little more connection with each other, rather than this good ole boy, "US" versus "THEM" mentality, and truly focused on connecting and hearing and listening to each other's story, can you imagine the change that would occur? We rush through our lives. We rush through our days and get so caught up in the rat race...we need to STOP...We should appreciate each other's differences, speak from Love and not FEAR and HATRED, and embrace each other for who we truly are...for what each of us brings to the table...not build walls to force everyone different out...not make flippant comments that are not fully thought out... but truly connecting on a deeper level and finding common ground that we can stand on and move forward together with...

I don't think we are going to see this any time soon as I believe the elections in our country have already been extremely debilitating....but it is my hope that whoever takes the prize come November has the where-with-all to understand that our country is immensely fragmented and needs to be put back together.

This is a difficult road ahead. It is my hope that each of you finds your own voice, finds the courage to take a stand and truly, compassionately connect to someone next to you and really listen to what they have to say. Appreciate each other's differences and not be afraid to experience something, or someone new. We are so quick to judgement in times like these...relax, breathe, and try look at it from another perspective...

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