Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Stop worrying where your going...move on...

I love what this song says...
I consistently come back to this show for many reasons...
It speaks to my very core...
Stop worrying if your vision is new...
Let others make that decision, they usually do...
You keep moving on...

Extremely poetic, touches my heart and speaks to my soul.
 I chose and my world was shaken, 
The choice may have been mistaken 
The choosing was not.
You keep moving on...

A wonderful mentor in my life shared such sweet advice with a group of us.  In the face of difficult decisions, you make the best possible decision you can at that very moment and then you move forward and don't look back. I have lived by this advice for most of my adult life. I think it is important and truthful.
Sure we all have doubts!! Sure we look back on past decisions and think ,"What if" or "WHY did I do that?" But if you live your life in the shoulda, coulda, woulda and what would get NOTHING DONE. You might as well curl up in the fetal position and let others pass you by while you dwell in your past. You cannot change the past. You can learn from it but you cannot change it. It defines who you are but you can and should move on.

You cannot look back and think, "If only I had made this decision." The choices have been made and you cannot erase that, but you can look forward and say, "If faced with that decision again, I will do better. I will take it all in and make a more enhanced choice, and then MOVE ON..."

Look at what you've done
Then at what you want.
Not at where you are, what you'll be
Look at all the things you've have to me.

Let me give to you something in return.

Anything you do,
Let it come from you.
Then it will be new.
Give us more to see...

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