Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The masks we wear...

I am teaching a whole lesson on the Greek Theatre and its origins. Did you know that the word theatre originated from the Greek word theatron which means "seeing place"? Or that the first theatrical performances were performed in honor of Dionysis, the God of wine and fertility? Or that the first winner of the City Dionysia was the playwright Thespis, who also created the first actor and also was the first to use masks?

But, while teaching this class, I began to wonder...what kind of masks do we all wear at times in our lives? There are so many masks we wear especially when we are young. So many times, when we do not feel comfortable or feel supported or feel free to be who we truly are, we put on that mask that we can hide and feel safe behind. We go through such awkwardness, gawkiness and torment while we are in junior and high school. No one is safe. So many secrets to push down and push away.

It is only much much later, when the years have rolled by that we come to realizations about our true selves that we come to appreciate our inner most thoughts and feelings. Finding ourselves comfortable enough to let down out guard and let someone in...

To truly put down the mask and let someone into your most inner thoughts, into your heart, taking the first step towards love and flight. That is the sign of true growth...

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