Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Grateful List #1

Today I am grateful for:

1. Family. I am so blessed to have an amazing family. They support me, listen to my rantings, and still love me unconditionally

2. Justin...I am grateful to have met someone who is my "calm in the storm". I feel so blessed to have found someone who brings a smile to my face at just the mere thought of him. Someone who holds my hand in the dark and supports me with just words...

3. Friends...My friends are my support link. I am grateful for their love and support. My friends are my family. This especially became so vivid to me on my last visit to Omaha. My friends there know me inward and outward. To be in their presence was exactly what I needed. I have lost touch with friends from way way back here recently and it saddens my heart. I used to be able to chat with them on a monthly basis and this is not the case any longer. Is this a case of "Moving on"? Or life...Probably the later...

4. My students. I found out today in my Drama class that a young lady who is joining the class for 2nd semester just moved to Little Rock from Omaha. How crazy is that? And it truly was great to see their smiling faces today. Many hugs and smiles today...was nice...

5. Grateful for Peeps. I love those sugar coaty marshmellowy goodness...just the thought of smores with sugary coated brown crunchy yummy goodness...ahhhhh BLISS.

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