Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A new experience...

Tonight I experienced a new adventure. Tonight Justin and I went to a brand new friend's public poetry reading. She is a published author who was asked to read some of her poetry along with a fellow published novelist, both have recently just moved to Little Rock at a local college.

It was a moving experience filled with the power of two very talented writers' words and thought processes. It was invigorating to be in the presence of such powerful words, spoken by their creators. Such moving stories and ideas being bantered about. Immersing yourself in the power of a story and the written word.

One of the ideas presented that I walked away with and wanted to share with each of you this evening was an idea of keeping a box filled with note cards. A memory box if you will. The idea is as follows: each night you fill out three note cards. On the first card you place a "writing from within". This could be an inner most thought you have had during the day. Perhaps it is something you are carrying deep within your heart, or is just in the inner most resources of your mind.

On the second card, you place a "writing from without". This is a writing on something that occurred during your day, something that occurred in the world around you. It is the outer core...what is going on around you...

On the third card, you place a "prayer" and it truly can be for anything. A prayer for guidance. A prayer for forgiveness. A prayer for whatever you wish to pray for.

Seems pretty basic, I think. and yet I think if utilized successfully, it gets you out of your head and gets what is inside your heart on the paper and places it inside a box for safe keeping. I think a journal could be just a successful or a blog. Whichever you choose, it becomes very personal and am able to search your own creative processes and put the words onto your own page of life.

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