Saturday, September 10, 2011

Yu U Nubuntu

These are words from a wonderful book I happened upon a while ago by the honorable Desmund Tutu. It covers the topic of belief and how it encapsulates the idea of recognizing the beauty, inner light in all of us and how we use this light to create a better world. A "Pay it Forward" message if you will.
I was able to share this selection with my students in our current style of beginning of class reading minutes. It's actually be quite beneficial for myself as well on a lot of levels. Not only am I able to read some amazing articles, but also am able to lead a discussion and hear where today's youthful thought processes are heading. I am revitalized! We have such amazing youth in our community and they have lots of terrific things to say.

I believe that we all have good in us.
I believe that we are all resonsible for our own actions.
I believe, as Tutu does, that if I diminish you, I in turn diminish myself. So truthfully, you are what you put out there. If you exude negativity and control, you will receive negativity and control. If you put positivity out into the universe, you will receive positivity.
I believe we have the capacity to bring about change in those around us by how we exude that positive light out from us.

Sometimes it is very hard to remember this idea with bullying running rampant through our country and fear and hatred ravaging the news.
I believe it is a mindset. Can you wake up and make the decision that today is GOING to be a GREAT day?
Can you agree to "pay it forward"?

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