Saturday, January 11, 2014

Patience and Guidance

SO among other things I am recognizing...

I am finding that I am not as patient as I had thought? But I also find that when the going gets rough I do try to exude as much patience and calm as possible, in order to help make things flow as smoothly as possible. This probably would come into play when disruption occurs. Yet, deep down, I am still just as guilty of knit-picking everything apart in my head and heart. Perhaps we are all guilty of this...

But how do I change this? How can I alter this occurrence and just "let go and let God"? Sometimes it is easier said than done.

I prayed this week for GUIDANCE and for perhaps an "ah ha" moment. I found myself truthfully on a happier mode of living. I found that a scheduled meeting was actually very eye-opening, heart-shaking, and rumbled my core. I have lots of thinking to do. It is going to be 2014- the year of assessment and inner searching and game changing.

Any guidance is appreciated.

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