Sunday, January 5, 2014

What to do when you are snowed in and bored?

So I am hearing many folks these days complaining about how COLD it is in their cities. How they are getting snow days. How they are getting feet of snow and sub zero temperatures. I get all of this. Being from North Dakota, I would hear all of this and lived though it all.
One of my fondest childhood memories was the weekend of my Mom's graduation from the University of Mary with her Master's degree. We had family and friends coming in for the weekend celebration and had a huge party planned at our house out in the country. Now this house was seriously in the country...the nearest house was far away. Wide open prairie and little to no trees on our acreage.
Enter said snow storm.
Enter the cries of boredom, cries of youngins not being able to go outside and play because there was snow drifting higher and higher in our driveway. We could not even see our mailbox yards away with the huge drift building in the yard. Sub zero temps, cars snowed in, and a child with Attention Deficit Disorder. NO SLEEP TO BE HAD.
When the snow storm left, we had a ten or eleven foot drift in our drive way...
Enter the fun, and a chance to create snow forts, tunnels, and climb the top of mountains and underpasses...snow ball fights...taking colored water (colored with food coloring) and making colored ice...
But the above picture takes this to a higher, crazier, most awesome level...
This is in Harbin, China. They spend WEEKS creating these structures for their Ice and Snow festival. All the buildings are created to represent structures from all over the world...the Roman Coliseum, Empire State Building, Big Ben. You get the picture...CAN YOU IMAGINE????
AND THEY PUT LIGHTING UP IN THERE!!!! And they even have slides that swing you through different structures...soooooooooo AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want to go to there...

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