Wednesday, July 27, 2016

A touching moment from LA Cage Aux Folles..

There have been so many touching moments from this life-changing experience. I am so moved by each and every one of them. I am going to document a few of them over the next few days on here so that I can share with each of you and also to remember. I will keep them anonymous to protect the folks who stepped out of their comfort zone to share something very personal with me, but moved me so deeply.

The first experience came from someone I had just met but so enjoyed meeting during our rehearsal process. They met me at my dressing room door immediately following a performance one evening and asked if they could talk to me for a bit.

They began to tell me that they had come out to their parents in the last few years and that it had not gone very well. This statement always jars me a bit, as my coming out process, though not smooth, was much smoother than others and I did not live in the Bible Belt of Conservative America when I did come out. They mentioned their parents had struggled and continued to struggle with the announcement and had not been a very positive experience. They went on to tell me that the parents were in the audience that particular evening and they were so nervous about them being there. Not shocked about that as I would be too!! YIKES!!!

They went on to say that their parents had been so moved, not only by my performance, but just with the character of Albin/Zaza on a deeper level. To see what the character had to struggle with and push through in a world of hate and lack of understanding...the character was so motherly and nurturing and had sacrificed so much for their son...they then went on to say that their mother was in tears and just really was so moved by the entire production. Jokingly, I said that they would be having wonderful conversations that evening and I hope they indeed have.

This is why I firmly believe in the POWER and MAGNITUDE of theater and how it can reach out and tug at the heart strings of people. Holding a mirror up to their eyes and say, "Hey this is what has happened. This is what you have done. This is where you have taken me. What are we going to do about this?" SO POWERFUL!

I believe in the POWER of theater as an entertaining tool to educate people and to show them new ideas and that folks, is the best ever!!!

I count this entire experience as such a blessing that I have had the opportunity of being a part of. This role is so powerful and immense and truly showcases something that was poignant in 1983 and is still VERY IMPORTANT today. The show truly reaches folks on many can be laughing at one moment and in tears the next. I am so thankful for this experience in my career and in my life.

Feeling so grateful and kinda teary today...

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