Sunday, July 31, 2016

So many touching moments from La Cage Aux Folles...

So many memorable, beautiful. poetic, heart touching moments during the run of this amazing production.

I have seen many new faces...some many times, coming to see this show more than just once.

I have been moved by the powerful stories audience members so freely share with me. And for this I am eternally grateful.

The audience member who came to me with tears in her eyes and just hugged me and whispered, "Thank you"

The mentor who came and just hugged me and said "I am so proud of you."

The audience members who have thanked me for the roller coaster of emotions.

Friends who have driven MILES to get here to show their love and support and to attend this show...some from Kansas City, some coming from Omaha, some as close as Monticello...all driving in to see the show and offer their hugs. SO MOVING on my heart and just plain brings tears to my eyes...SO GRATEFUL!!!

The flowers. The thank you notes. The kindness extended to our entire cast. The camaraderie I have felt from everyone in this amazing cast...we feel how important this experience truly is.

I have been deeply moved by the tears in people's eyes as they greet me in the lobby for a hug, a hand shake, or a pat on the shoulder.

I feel the importance of this moment.
I love what this show continues to say every time a theatre is BRAVE enough to put it on its boards...

I deeply connect with Zaza/ Albin. I feel her pain when her child says what he says. I feel the power she has when she takes the stage and tries to provide just a few moments of laughter and smiles to her audience. I feel very deeply every word of the song "I AM WHAT I AM" because this song encapsulates the ENTIRE coming out process for me and for many others...I don't think that I have ever truly connected to a character the way I connect to this one and probably won't have that same connection in the future possibly...I may be wrong. This is why this role has been on the bucket list ever since I saw it so many years ago on the Omaha Community Playhouse's stage.

I believe so deeply in the La Cage Aux Folles is not one person who can raise a takes dedication, it takes a team, and it takes a village. This couple is very loving and love comes in many forms. This couple has raised a wonderful son together over their 20 years. This couple has done right by their child every time...and it doesn't matter whether this couple is a man and a woman, a woman and a woman, or two men. The importance lies in the fact that child feels loved, feels nurtured, and feels supported.

Love is Love is Love is Love is LOVE.
In a world of hatred and anger and ridicule...what the world needs to see is love in the face of hatred. Love standing up to the ridicule and harsh words.
Love taking a step forward every time and showing people how to lead their lives.

ZaZa does this with grace, with strength, and with laughter and tears.

Today we call it "history" and wrap up this production and put it in the books...
It will definitely no be one quickly forgotten by those involved...

And I am so darn grateful for this opportunity and experience.

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