Wednesday, January 9, 2019


As I am working my way through the podcasts on GoodLifeProject, I have listened to a couple speaking about the power of gratitude. There are many powerful speakers in this world, but they have highlighted four of the biggest...

Brene Brown discusses the power of shame in your life and how there is great power in allowing yourself to be vulnerable.

Tim Ferriss discusses the idea of being halfway through life and what is next? The power of realizing that the only way you are able to show love to others, you have to truly LOVE YOURSELF.

Jonathan Fields discusses the idea of what he calls Sparketypes, which showcase your personality type and discusses why you do the things you do, make the decisions you do, and how you interact with the other 9 types available. It delves into the theme of What Should I do with m Life? And where can i find inspiration to do what I am destined to do in my life's journey.?

And then there is the podcast featuring Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of the life-changing book: Eat, Pray, Love. She talks about the idea of gratitude and how we have to figure out a switch. We all have a bad day. And I find that when I have a horrible day...sometimes it is just because of one particular moment and that, if we allow it, can recolor the ENTIRE day. One moment in a sea of awesomeness can, in fact, color everything else, if we allow it. So what Liz Gilbert encourages us to do is to refocus events and try to see it from an aspect of gratitude. What should we be thankful for in times of struggle? Where can we find gratitude in the negative times?
Its a shift in thought process, that's for sure.

You may not see it. You may be overwhelmed by too much. You may need to visit with a close confidante to allow them to help you work your way through it...maybe you come at it like, " I just cannot see a positive in what I am about to tell you? Perhaps you can help me?
Gilbert also goes into also the topics of allowing events to stop you in your tracks and prevent you from moving forward, if you allow it. She also speaks to the power to finding your creativity or getting it back, if you have lost it.

Powerful stuff folks.
You should give it a listen. You will find some great stuff there!! I just know it.
More soon!

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