Saturday, January 5, 2019

Resolutions for 2019

HAPPY NEW YEAR, friends and family!!!
I have been away for awhile and feel so guilty. I logged on here today to get back on track with blogging and realized....JULY was my last entry. How shameful is that???

So I am gonna get myself back on track with something I hate to do...creating a new year's resolution.
UGH. Just the phrase makes me angsty. I hate these types of things...because there are so many failures attached to the very word and process of setting a resolution.
But what I have learned is that setting one doesn't have to be angsty if you set one that is not too lofty...not too crazy...and that you be kind to yourself and honest with where you are at the time you set it. Goal setting is NEVER bad.

I have been on a search and it has been a deep one, friends. A spiritual struggle and journey that I intend to bring you all along with as I struggle my way through the hopes that you too will learn along with me. Perhaps we can help each other? I always wanted my blogging to not only serve as a release...but also a hope that I can help in each of our adventures on this thing called life...whether it is deep musings... or hilarious rants...and odd observations from the world around me...or just a chance to get it out...whatever the proverbial "IT" is and why it needs to be out.

I have been listening to many different podcasts and will speak to more of these in future posts...
The first one I just happened to find is called little out of the box and hard to grasp at times....and truth be told, I have only listened to one podcast episode but was completely hooked in...the first episode I searched and listened to was an interview with my favorite current life coach...Brene Brown...She has so many thought provoking things to say about how we deal with life and how we navigate through this journey...and she has a no shit way of viewing this adventure...and so I am stealing her thoughts and comments as my new mantra for it speaks deeply to where I am at this moment in my life...

To live whole-heartedly
Honor small moments with gratitude
and dare greatly.

Resolutions have not always been my favorite. And I have tried to steer clear of the cliche ones...but this one seems navigable and sustainable...and achievable. And I know I can make this one work for me as I dig deeper throughout the coming year ahead. Will you join me? Follow my blog and let's jump in...

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