Monday, December 13, 2010

For REAL?????

As many of you may know, I like to take crazy pictures.
There is nothing more hysterical than to come across a ridiculous piece of advertising or weird findings of things inventors/buyers thought were a "good idea" for consumers to buy for Christmas. It has gotten to the point where I search these things out...
Is there something out there that is absolutely SO RIDICULOUS that just has to be mocked?
Something SO OBSURD that they expect us to buy...
And I ALWAYS find something...
The finding for this entry is thus:
The handheld, battery operated bug zapper has nothing to compare to this new find...
It is called "Lightning Reaction" and is a hand held SHOCK comes with four hand held controls and you try to shock each other...somehow this does not seem like a very smart "game" is you can call it that...
WHY would something like this seem cool and smart to America's consumer???
The better to chase cats and snakes with...for sure!

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