Thursday, December 23, 2010

Next offering on "For REAL??"

When I was younger, I specifically remember my parents and grandparents commenting on kids clothes and the ridiculousness of it all. As I moved into my teenage years, I also remember thinking that it was a matter of "expression". I had every right to wear what I wanted as long as I did not pierce, dye, or tat anything.

Now that I am older... (clears throat)
I am now finding myself more horrified by the choices kids are making today for clothing options. The idea of pants to your knees , showing their butts, drives me crazy. "AND how about I wear a belt NOT to keep the pants on my hips BUT keeping them staying on my knees!!" Ummm OK... AND how about the young ladies today feeling the need to show off the twins? It is too tight, too short, too low cut these days... Enter the Grandparent's voices in my head...

Enter Photo Exhibit #1 quote Amy Poehler and Seth Meyers on SNL Weekend Update... Really? REALLY? I mean COME ON!! Seriously??? For REAL??

What in the hell would you be thinking to have this on your head, walking down the street, thinking "I am so cool. I look so good". It looks like I killed some sort of Seasame Street character and deciding against the floor rug opting for a lovely hat.

The expression on Grover's face on the back ground says it all...


Anonymous said...

the true sign of a teacher in an "urban" high school. how often do you have to stop yourself from saying "do something with those drawers, man!" ?

Holly V said...

I would add this is why we have strict coporate dress code policies. The new flock of 'professionals' do not have the sense to know that you can not wear this type of dress and be taken seriously. No longer can you rely on common sense.