Sunday, December 12, 2010


1. That I have not blogged since October? I apologize and will try to rectify that soon!! I should make it a New Year's resolution or something...sheesh.
2. That this semester has flown by so quickly? The schedule has been absolutely treacherous...see #1. This schedule actually got to me recently...I woke up with my alarm at 5:30am, got out of bed to go across the room to turn it off and I think fainted and bumped my head either on the door or the carpet flooring. Quite the noggin bump...I looked like I had been in a bit of a fight. I have never been in a fight before (insert all the phrasery here)... All the kids in my classes were so concerned...with phrases like "Oh my goodness, what happened?" to "Mr. Higdem, you tell me who it was and I will kick their butts!" LOL!!! Made me feel good to know that they have my back...had to disappoint them with a lame-oh story of fainting to turn off the alarm. Thank God Justin and Dad were there to help me up and to take care of me. Truly not as bad as it seems...just disconcerting. I have never had something like this happen. And yet, on the flip side it is something that lingers in the back of my mind. Why did it happen? Did I get up to quickly? Did I eat something wrong the night before? Not take that first full breath before getting up? Oh well...the abrasion is gone and headache is gone. One will never know I guess...
3. How is it that I have not had egg nog yet? This yummy holiday drink is an aquired taste. I do not have it a great deal, but do love it so. It gets a little too thick and so I dilute it with milk. Maybe a little something else to spice it up a bit? What is your favorite holiday drink?
4. How is it that I cannot listen to "Silent Night" and not shed a tear. I can sit in our church here in Little Rock and can hear the first chords of this beloved carol and can be immediately placed in that pew with all the relatives who have gone on before us...Grandpa & Grandma Pete, Grandpa and Grandma Higdem...and I just weep like a baby. Especially Christmas Eve Candlelight the warmth of that candlelight with the lights of the Chrismon trees and the poinsettas and the bells...and it warms my heart.
5. How is it that I have never watched "White Christmas"? It's on right now on AMC and I love it. WOW!!! There are so many other movies that I have yet to see... I think that that is what I am going to do when I finally get a much needed break. I want to become one with the remote and take in some classics..."Meet Me in St Louis", "Miracle on 34th Street". What are some of your favorites?
Sending you lots of love and light this week!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

1. I'm worried about your fainting spell!
2. Just had egg nog with brandy in it for the first time. Highly recommended. But I like a little Bailey's over ice cream lately :)
3. It's O Holy Night for me. Cry every time.
4. I was just watching White Christmas too! My sis-in-law is the one who introduced me to it. *love*