Tuesday, March 29, 2011

For my Ragtime Family...

There is not a day that goes by that I do not look back on our time together with the fondest of memories.

Ragtime, at the Omaha Community Playhouse, was one of those experiences, where from the minute the cast sat down for its first reading, we knew we had something special on our hands. And from the moment the first curtain rose and we all belted out this AMAZING sound and felt the gasp of the audience and heard the applause...I was hooked and was forever changed.

Under Susie, Boggess, and Roxanne's tutleage...

With Kevin at the helm...

With an AMAZING ensemble family...

From the Girl on the Swing to Playing Ball...

Every moment was glimmering with sparkle for me...

All Like A Wheel of a Dream...

There are only a few occasions in which I have said to myself, I could do this show forever and ever. Ragtime was one of those experiences.

Thank you for being part of such a fond, fond memory.


Unknown said...

Thank you for expressing your thoughts so perfectly. I too feel the same about the show and the cast, so much so I have had no desire to return to the stage since. Nothing could ever compare. The bond of friendships have taken all of us through marriages, births and loss of my sweet Drew. I am greatful to have been cast in a show that would change my life forever. Much Love doll, JIll

Seth said...

How strange. I RAGTIMED out yesterday: watched the film version, then listened to the Broadway soundtrack, and I could hardly breathe. I choked up. It stirred up so many memories and emotions. What a golden time. XOXO
