Sunday, August 5, 2012

Time for something new....

I have had enough of all the crap over the last few days...
I have to remind myself that I am only one person...that I can't change the world by myself...
There are two sides to each story...
There are no clean hands on either side of the chicken war...People being ridiculous on both sides.

So now I need to refocus my energies. The cool thing about being a teacher is that you get a chance to reset your resolutions twice every year...New Year's and at the beginning of each school year. I actually lost sleep the other night...maybe got an hour total of sleep when the mind just keeps going over and over everything that has been going on in this world, in my life, in the coming months. This also always happens right before school starts...things to get done, making lists, relooking at what things I want to cover this year, things I need to get done before the first day of school.

I am allowing this ALL to overtake my thoughts on something that I alone cannot change. One of the Facebook posts I saw put it all into focus for me and I need to just remind myself of, oddly enough, the Serenity Prayer:

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
Just Beautiful...
I remind myself of the wonderful experience that I just accomplished and the joy that it brought me. The creative outlet it provided and the response has been overwhelming. Cabaret was amazing and so many friends commented that this experience was good for me in so many ways, that it would open many doors for me,and that it would provide new opportunities. My initial response was that I would have to see with all I have to do with school this year, with the Comp Speech team getting bigger, with the fall play once again in my hands, with the Spring Musical being bigger than ever...How could I possibly add anything more of a creative outlet to that schedule?
But then I calmed my thoughts and reminded myself of this... Maybe God put Cabaret there for a taste of possibilites? You have to be open to the possiblities and keep yourself open to what comes your way. You have to keep yourself open to the possibilties \of what this world brings you.
My new mantra for the upcoming year.
I am going to keep myself OPEN TO ALL POSSIBILITIES.

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