Saturday, March 22, 2014

When faced with the Biblical word and inner peace

My mom has come through with an amazing video...
She and I have such a wonderful relationship and she knows of my inner struggle with what the Bible teaches and says and how my life seems to be in direct turmoil with that...

It has been a struggle and this video spoke to every inner core of my soul...

I am so grateful for it.
I am so moved by these folks' life struggle and their story.

"If God lead in the writing of this book, then how did some of this stuff get in here, especially knowing that it would cause many people so much pain."

"God has my permission to strike me straight whenever HE wants to." I tell God the same thing. However, He has been working on other issues in my pride, my self-sufficiency, my selfishness, my life purpose. This is where I am at right now!!

Thank you, Mom for this!!

You should give it a looksee!!

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