Monday, October 31, 2016

This is Us...

After yesterday's post...I feel there is a divine hand involved here somehow...

I was getting caught up yesterday on this wonderful NBC show currently playing called "This is Us."
And with everything that is going on in my life here recently, TV has become my escape and yet it hasn't been...
everything is cancer, Breast Cancer Awareness month,
everything here lately has been death,
has been commentary on politics,
on life...
This is Us had a powerful episode where they discuss life and death and our past and future so eloquently and I wanted to share some of it here...
It said: 

Life is full of color.
We each add our own color to the painting of life and it goes on and on forever.
We are all in the painting somewhere and everywhere regardless of where we are in life...our ancestors added the colors that they brought with them...they have children and they begin a different color and we just keep adding and adding and adding until we have added to the point where we all blend in...

My mom is not alive anymore...but yet she is still with us...

People that we love will die and not be around anymore...and yet they are still with us somehow...just in very different ways
Just because someone dies and are not around anymore doesn't mean that they are not in our life's painting...
I think the painting becomes a testimony to their lives and the lives before them and the lives before them.
 As well as our own lives. 
And that is powerful.
The painting is not about you or me
 its just us.
And this sloppy, random, splattery painting we call life that goes on and on
and shows no end is just us.

And I needed this today.
To remind me.
I am grateful for my life's painting.
I am grateful for the brushstrokes that are my parent's and grandparent's etchings on my life. 
I am grateful for my husband's impact and imprint on my canvas.
I am grateful to each of my friends for the impact they have made in my life.
I am grateful for everyone, both near and far, reaching out and support me and my family with their love and prayers and care and for just "showing up". I can never even begin to repay the kindness we have all felt.
So grateful.

So here is my goal so far...
To just  keep on painting

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