Sunday, December 31, 2017

What's stopping you?

What is holding you back?
We get so caught up in the redundancy of life...
We have become so white bread... 
I am SOOOOOOOOO guilty of this, for SURE!!!!

What if we could step out of our comfort zone and trying a new adventure...
What if "What's stopping you?" became a little motto for your upcoming new year?
Remove the MEH and add a spark of energy towards a goal you have set for yourself!

How beautiful would that be?

I want to wish this motto for everyone this upcoming year!! 
Trust and do one thing this year that is out of your comfort zone. 
I am going to push my students to do this 
and I am going to try this for myself. 
I can hear all of the excuses and I need to stop them.

Perhaps we can all step outside of our comfort zones, 
hold each other accountable in doing so and 
live out a dream or bucket list adventure.
Can I get an AMEN?