Friday, May 17, 2019

A thought to grow from...

As I was driving to school this morning, the song "Love Wins" came on by Carrie Underwood and it just got me to thinking...

This world is so scary right now.
Hatred is allowed (and supported) to thrive.

Guns are being used to kill our children in our nation's schools. Never have I ever been able to get used to having to facilitate fire drills, tornado drills, and "active shooter" drills...My how things have changed... The spike in gun shootings in America's schools has escalated and most people "Sending love and prayers" rather than doing something about it. And folks are NOT LISTENING. What horrifies me is that students had to live through heinous acts in their own safe zone classrooms, trying to speak up and begin the conversation on how to end the bloodshed and then are labeled "Heathens." "Activist" "Immature" rather than HEROIC and MOTIVATED and MATURE and heralded.

White supremacists and hate groups grow and grow and grow with no sign of ending. And it seems that our Presidential administration has given them justification for their voice. His election rallies set the tone 3 years ago and I dread the upcoming circus we are most certain to have.

It is time.

Underwood's lyrics correctly state" How the hell it's ever come to this?"

It is time to emulate LOVE and RESPECT and UNDERSTANDING.

And truth comes through...we are not going to be able to do this all by ourselves. We have to figure out how to speak our minds, but also to listen. Every point is important but we also have to understand that we can't continue like this and expect survival. As her lyrics continued, " Sometimes it takes a lot of faith to keep believing there will come a day when the tears and sadness, the pain and hate, this struggle, this madness, will fade away."

Just keep loving folks.
Loving each other.
Give someone you pass on the street or down the hall a smile today.
It's important.

I do firmly believe that Love Will Win in the end...
but we have such a long way to go sadly

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